2000-Year-Old Anchors Discovered in the Mediterranean Waters near Alexandria
The Archaeological mission -of the Maritime Archeology Center at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University- has discovered a number of anchors of different styles and sizes, during the archaeological survey at the Bajush marina on the northwestern coast near the city of Marsa Matruh, which began in 2015.

The discovered anchors are stone, iron and other lead. It dates back to different ages, from the Hellenistic era to the twentieth century, Ehab Fahmy, head of the Central Department of Submerged Antiquities said.

Fahmy added that in addition to finding a number of pottery vessels from the North Africa, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Spain and Palestine, which indicates strong marine activity in that area through the different eras, and that Bagos anchorage has been used by vessels for more than two thousand Year.

The mission will continue its work to study carefully these anchors and different types, to shed light on the development of this important type of marine Antiquities in Egypt, especially with a direct relationship between the size and type of anchor and the ship that used, Fahmy made it clear.

Dr. Emad Khalil, Head of the Marine Archaeology Center at the Faculty of Arts, Alexandria University, said that the project of the marine archeological survey at Bajush Marina is currently underway on the Mediterranean coast outside the city of Alexandria, one of the important natural ports mentioned in many historical sources, in the third century BC until the nineteenth century AD.

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