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Tuesday, October 31, 2023

How Did the Great Sphinx in Egypt Form? New Study Reveals Answers

A New Study Reveals the Astonishing Way the Great Sphinx in Egypt Actually Formed

Science puts the ancient masterpiece in a whole new light.

By Darren Orf
sphinx in front of pyramids, giza, cairo, egypt
Glowimages//Getty Images
  • For decades, it's been theorized the Gre
    Darren lives in Portland, has a cat, and writes/edits about sci-fi and how our world works. You can find his previous stuff at Gizmodo and Paste if you look hard enough. at Sphinx of Giza may have originally been a lion-shaped natural landform that ancient Egyptians modified to form the stone-faced feline.
  • A new study from the New York University uses fluid dynamics to analyze if the creation of a such a shape via wind erosion is possible.
  • Creating many mounds of bentonite clay and plastic (a stand-in for compact clay known as yardangs) and using running water to simulate wind erosion, the team discovered that a lion-like shape could form naturally.

The Great Pyramids of Giza are arguably the most impressive construction project of the ancient world as some 2.3 million limestone slabs make up the Great Pyramid alone, but another majestic symbol along the Nile—the Great Sphinx of Giza—has a more mysterious origin story.

In a 1981 Smithsonian Magazine article, geologist Farouk El-Baz theorizes that the ancient Egyptians didn't create the sphinx from scratch, like the pyramids, but that desert winds formed the overall contours of the sphinx and the ancient stonemasons gave the rock a celestial face lift.

Now, scientists from New York University have tested that theory by creating miniature, lion-like landforms from clay using fluid dynamics and discovered that it's possible that the shape of the rock inspired Egyptians to create the sphinx. Their work has been accepted by the journal Physical Review Fluids.

a close up of a fish
An illustration of the Sphinx weathering process.
Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University
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The team, led by New York University's Leif Ristroph, originally studied how water eroded clay. After building several bentonite clay mounds with non-erodible plastic (standing in for "hard inclusions") at the upstream end of each one, water flowed over the mounts parallel to its long axis. Over time, the water ate away the clay, but left the non-erodible plastic intact, and Ristroph was struck by the appearance of a very familiar shape.

"We were struck by the resemblance to a seated lion or a lion in repose," Ristroph told New Scientist. "The fluid is eating away the solid, but the solid then forces the flow to conform to its shape. It feeds back on the flow and changes erosion rates and how it is distributed over the surface."

While non-erodible plastic doesn't exist in nature (or at least, it doesn't exist naturally), geological features known as yardangs certainly do, which are sharp, irregular ridges of compact sand. Ristroph and his team also added dye to the water to more accurately visualize how winds could have shaped the back of the sphinx if met by a compact yardang upstream.

a group of different colored rocks
Clay mounds in various stages of erosion.
Applied Math Lab, Courant Institute, New York University

"Releasing dye upstream reveals compressed streaklines under the head, and this accelerated flow digs the neck and reveals the forelimbs and paws," Ristroph and his team write in a poster about their findings. "These results show what ancient peoples may have encountered in the deserts of Egypt and why they envisioned a fantastic creature."

El-Baz originally theorized that ancient Egyptians carved the head of the Sphinx out of a naturally occurring yardang, and Ristroph's fluid dynamics study appears to lend some compelling evidence to this theory. But whether the Sphinx of Giza is a built-from-scratch masterpiece or a wonder of sculpting nature, its stoic visage will continue inspiring the millions of visitors every year.

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Monday, October 30, 2023

Egypt’s pyramids host breathtaking new art exhibit | CNN

Egypt's pyramids host stunning works of art

Mirror Gate by Pilar Zeta
CNN  — 

On the plateau overlooking the ancient Pyramids of Giza in Egypt, a major outdoor art exhibition brings together the work of 14 international contemporary artists who have created site-specific installations responding to the iconic monuments. In one project, a new pyramid structure emerges in wicker; in another, glass sculptures appear to make the ancient pyramids float on water.

"Forever Is Now III" (on until 18 November) is the third edition of an annual exhibition held at the site, and the biggest yet. Organized by Nadine Abdel Ghaffar, the founder and curator of Cairo-based arts firm Art D'Égypte, the event aims to celebrate ancient Egyptian culture through contemporary creativity.


"Every year we have an amazing group of artists that are in dialogue with this civilization," said Ghaffar over video call from Cairo. Art D'Égypte works with UNESCO to ensure the exhibition leaves the 4500-year-old world heritage site completely unharmed. (A 50cm layer of imported sand is used to place the artworks on, so they don't even touch the ground.) The works this year engage with the fertile territory of concepts presented by the pyramids, from mythology and spirituality to technical innovation and architecture.

Mexico City-based Argentinian artist Pilar Zeta has created "Mirror Gate", a limestone portal decorated with gold and iridescent blue spheres and topped by a pyramidal apex, under which lies a checkerboard pathway leading to a mirrored egg on a plinth. "I've always been fascinated by the Pyramids of Giza and the entire ancient Egyptian culture — the mysticism around it, the enigmas," Zeta said. "The pyramids are the most sacred sculptures on planet Earth in my opinion."

Egyptian Woman in the Form of the Goddess Hathor by Carole A. Feuerman

Zeta's installation, which appears like a surrealist painting and postmodernist film set in one, is rich in layered meaning. The portal represents connections across time, the iridescent blue references the scarab beetle that symbolizes rebirth and regeneration, and the mirrored egg represents the cosmic egg in Egyptian mythology that denotes creation. The artist's use of materials aims to blend the ancient and modern, with natural limestone reflecting the pyramids' construction, and painted metal nodding to "our post-industrial society".

Materials with meaning

A symbolic use of material was also important for Dutch artist-designer Sabine Marcelis, who adopted glass for her sculpture "RA", a sundial structure named after the ancient Egyptian sun god. "Egypt being the birthplace of both the sundial and glass as material, I wanted to pay homage to those incredible inventions," Marcelis explained over email. "Even the pyramids themselves were a form of sundial."

TEMPLE •I• by Stephan Breuer

While the tall rectilinear sculpture casts moving shadows across the sand during the day, at night a special technology embedded within the glass transforms the installation into a source of light. "There are solar cells sandwiched between the glass which harness the power of the sun to charge a battery inside the artwork," said Marcelis. "This means that the artwork can exist as a completely off-grid installation and powers its own lighting at night."

Glass also plays a key role in "Horizon" by Greek sculptor Costas Varotsos, a series of metal circles half-filled with glass and arranged in a line. By making it appear as if the pyramids are sitting on water, the work emphasizes the relationship between the monuments and the Nile river on the horizon behind.

RA by Sabine Marcelis

"Translucent Pyramid" by Saudi artist Rashed Al-Shashai, adds a new, 6m-tall pyramid to the plateau. Constructed out of wicker crates, the work references the traditional craft of wicker weaving in Egypt and advocates sustainable and heritage-based practices for contemporary design.

Another architectural installation, "The Ghost Temple", has been designed by Egyptian-born British sculptor Sam Shendi. Created from geometric steel forms in red, the work imagines the remnants of an ancient temple. It appears as a portal to walk through, and celebrates the art of architecture and geometry that made the pyramids possible.

"Treasures", a steel sculpture by Emirati jewelry artist Azza Al Qubaisi, also invites visitors to walk through it. Its rippling and undulating form takes inspiration from the patterns of the surrounding desert landscape, leading to a central pyramid structure, topped by a golden apex.

Horizon by Costas Varotsos

Rashid Al Khalifa, an artist and member of the Bahraini royal family, has created "Reality is Timeless", a series of copper and brass structures emerging from the ground at varying angles. Conceived as seemingly archaeological fragments of a labyrinth, each one is decorated with perforated motifs taken from historic diagrams of the ancient Egyptian labyrinth.

Meanwhile, "Inside Out Giza" by French photographer JR continues a project he started in the 2022 edition of Forever is Now. Having previously installed a photo booth on site for visitors to have their picture taken, JR this year showcases a selection of those large-scale portraits in black and white, laid out on the plateau in front of the pyramids.

Reflecting on the exhibition, Ghaffar, the curator, explained that she sees the ancient pyramid complex as "a token of hope to humanity." It has "withstood so many things," she said — from wars to pandemics — "and it's still there, and still has secrets, so there's hope." That hope, she added, has to be shared with everyone – and this unique art exhibition aims to do just that.

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Sunday, October 29, 2023

Al-Ahram has long served as the memory of Egypt, Arab world: Sisi on 50,000th issue - Society - Egypt - Ahram Online,-Ar.aspx

Al-Ahram has long served as the memory of Egypt, Arab world: Sisi on 50,000th issue

Ahram Online , Sunday 29 Oct 2023

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi praised Al-Ahram for being "the contemporary memory of Egypt and the Arab World throughout its long history," as the nearly 150-year-old newspaper celebrates the release of its 50,000th issue on Sunday.

Al-Ahram s 50,000th issue
Egypt s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi writes to Al-Ahram as it releases its 50,000th issue on Sunday

Writing for Al-Ahram on this "special and unique" occasion, El-Sisi extended his greetings to reporters, workers, and officials at Al-Ahram Foundation as well as staffers in other media and press platforms.

El-Sisi said the "well-established and distinguished Al-Ahram has held its own in the heart of the events for around 148 years since its establishment on 27 December, 1875."

The president also praised Al-Ahram for "reflecting with full accuracy and professionalism the details of Egyptian daily life" and "recording all local, regional, and international events with well-established and objective professional traditions."

He also hailed Al-Ahram for "discerning convergence and divergence chances between Egypt and its Arab and foreign surroundings."

The president said he looks forward to these professional traditions adopted by Al-Ahram continuing and developing as part of "the new republic … that stands in the face of the frustration and despair, spreading hope, goodness, construction and prosperity" throughout the country.

The new republic concept involves a decent life for all citizens and a strong state that is capable of protecting national and Arab security, he said, citing ongoing regional challenges, especially in Palestine.

"The celebration of the release of the 50,000th issue comes amid difficult and complicated challenges and circumstances that the Palestinian cause is going through," El-Sisi said.

Al-Ahram has been covering the Palestinian cause since the Balfour Declaration in 1917 through the Nakba (Catastrophe) in 1948 and the 1967 defeat as well as all subsequent conflicts and negotiations.

Sisi said he aspires for a "more distinguished" role by Al-Ahram Foundation and all Egyptian press and media institutions, stemming from their duty to educate and enlighten.

Publicly-owned Arabic language Al-Ahram is Egypt's second oldest newspaper after Al-Waqai Al-Misriya newspaper that was established in 1828 to serve as the official gazette at the time.

A photo of the first issue of Al-Ahram in 1876. Al-Ahram

Al-Ahram was founded by Lebanese-Ottoman brothers Saleem Takla and Beshara Takla in Alexandria and turned from a weekly newspaper to a daily one in 1881.

Today, it is read by hundreds of thousands of people each day.

Over the past decades, Al-Ahram has brought together veteran writers, literature tycoons, and thinkers of different political and intellectual orientations.

Al-Ahram Foundation includes many daily, weekly, and monthly publications, including English-language Ahram Online and Al-Ahram Weekly and French language Al-Ahram Hebdo.

Short link:


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Saturday, October 28, 2023

The queen who was fascinated by the mummies of Egypt – Royal Central

The queen who was fascinated by the mummies of Egypt

She was a hugely popular queen who became beloved in the country she made her own. But Elisabeth of Belgium was also intrigued by the past of another nation and she ventured to King Tut's tomb and was fascinated with Egyptology.

Queen Elisabeth of Belgium was born a duchess in Bavaria as the daughter of Duke Karl Theodor and the Portuguese-born royal Infanta Maria José. She was born on 25 July 1876 at Possenhofen Castle and inherited a deep love of painting from her father. She also gained experience in the medical field through her father, who was an ophthalmologist.

Duchess Elisabeth met Prince Albert of Belgium at the funeral of Duchess Sophie Charlotte (Elisabeth's aunt) in 1897.

Elisabeth married Prince Albert of Belgium, who was second in line to the Belgian throne, in October 1900 in Munich. Elisabeth and Albert had three children: the future King Leopold III, Prince Charles and the future Queen consort of Italy, Marie-José. They had nine years together before Albert ascended the throne as King Albert I in 1909 after the death of his uncle King Leopold II.

Queen Elisabeth wanted to be more hands-on than her predecessors and chose to be significantly involved in charity work. Her friendly personality and caring nature made her popular in Belgium, and that popularity grew during World War One when the Queen worked with nurses on the front lines and was instrumental in the building of the Hospital L'Océan in La Panne.

By Bundesarchiv, Bild 102-00140A / CC BY-SA 3.0 DE, CC BY-SA 3.0 de,

The Queen was also fascinated with Egyptology, and after the discovery of King Tut's tomb in Egypt, she flew to the country to see the site for herself.

She asked Lord Carnarvon, who had funded the excavation, if she could join them at the tomb's opening, and her request was granted. King Fuad of Egypt organised her visit with the help of Lord Allenby, the British High Commissioner.

Belgian Queen Visits Tutankhamun's Tomb

Queen Elisabeth wrote about visiting the tomb, "I've always been a woman of passions. Some are known, others less so. One of these is my passion for ancient Egypt."

What she saw influenced her so that upon returning to Belgium, she started the Queen Elisabeth Egyptological Foundation; it became one of Europe's most extensive Egyptological libraries.

Tragedy struck the family when King Albert was killed on 17 February 1934 in a mountain climbing accident. Not wanting to interfere with her daughter-in-law's new role as consort, Elisabeth stepped out of the limelight to let Queen Astrid shine. However, Astrid died in a car crash in August 1935, and Elisabeth stepped in to help her son, Leopold III.

During the Second World War, Elisabeth helped rescue hundreds of Jewish children before they were deported by the Nazis during the German occupation of Belgium. Upon Belgium's liberation, she opened the palace to the British troops as a headquarters. The Queen's actions in World War II led to the Israeli government awarding her the title Righteous Among the Nations.

Elisabeth saw her son and grandson become King of the Belgians. She died at the age of 89 on 23 November 1965 after suffering a heart attack.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Northern California ARCE Upcoming Egyptology Lectures

 American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Northern California Chapter

Upcoming Lectures

The following are among the lectures to be presented by ARCE’s Northern California Chapter and by the UC Berkeley Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Unless otherwise indicated, lectures will be at 3 pm Sunday at venues to be determined.

The Qeheq Papyrus: A Bridge Between Egyptology and Berberology
November 5, 2023, 3 PM Pacific Standard Time (Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 AM)
Jason Silvestri, UC Berkeley

Room 20, Social Sciences Building, UC Berkeley

Contexts and Circumstances in Designing the Divine in Ancient Egypt
December 10, 2023
Dr. Jennifer Miyuki Babcock, Pratt Institute; NYU; SUNY

Recent Work at Memphis and the Fayum:
An Overview of Methodologies and Results.
Jan. 21, 2024
(Didi) El-Behadei, University of Chicago
This meeting will be via Zoom; registration will begin in December.

Body Ornaments and Communities of Practice in the Egyptian Predynastic

Feb. 11, 2024
Maryan Ragheb, UCLA

Topic TBD
March 17, 2024
Dr. Julia Troche, Pratt Institute; SUNY

Topic TBD
April 14, 2024
Dr. Tom Hardwick, Museum of Fine Arts, Houston/Houston Museum of Natural Science

Topic TBD
April 28, 2024
Dr. Aidan Dodson, University of Bristol

Walking Among Pharaohs: George Reisner and the Dawn of Modern Egyptology
May 5, 2024 (2 p.m. Pacific Time, live at the Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco)
In cooperation with the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco

Dr. Peter der Manuelian, Harvard University

In the Shadow of Egypt’s Last Pyramid: Uncovering the Ahmose Cemetery and Its Historical Implications
Sept. 15, 2024
Emily Smith-Sangster, Princeton University


Parking is available in UC lots all day on weekends, for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept debit or credit cards. Parking is available in lots around the Social Sciences Building, and in lots along Bancroft. A map of the campus is available online at

For more information, please visit,,,, or To join the chapter or renew your membership, please go to and select "Berkeley, CA" as your chapter when you sign up.

Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity | eLife

Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity

  • Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Germany
  • Gene Bank of Primates and Primate Genetics Laboratory, German Primate Center, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Germany
  • Cognitive Ethology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Germany
  • Department of Primate Cognition, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Germany
  • Leibniz-ScienceCampus Primate Cognition, Germany
  • SequAna – Sequencing Analysis Core Facility, University of Konstanz, Germany
  • Laboratoire CNRS ASM « Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes » (UMR 5140), Université Paul-Valéry, LabEx Archimede, France
  • Musée des Confluences, France
  • Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, France
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  • Abstract

    Adulis, located on the Red Sea coast in present-day Eritrea, was a bustling trading centre between the first and seventh centuries CE. Several classical geographers—Agatharchides of Cnidus, Pliny the Elder, Strabo—noted the value of Adulis to Greco-Roman Egypt, particularly as an emporium for living animals, including baboons (Papio spp.). Though fragmentary, these accounts predict the Adulite origins of mummified baboons in Ptolemaic catacombs, while inviting questions on the geoprovenance of older (Late Period) baboons recovered from Gabbanat el-Qurud ('Valley of the Monkeys'), Egypt. Dated to ca. 800–540 BCE, these animals could extend the antiquity of Egyptian–Adulite trade by as much as five centuries. Previously, Dominy et al. (2020) used stable isotope analysis to show that two New Kingdom specimens of Papio hamadryas originate from the Horn of Africa. Here, we report the complete mitochondrial genomes from a mummified baboon from Gabbanat el-Qurud and 14 museum specimens with known provenance together with published georeferenced mitochondrial sequence data. Phylogenetic assignment connects the mummified baboon to modern populations of P. hamadryas in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and eastern Sudan. This result, assuming geographical stability of phylogenetic clades, corroborates Greco-Roman historiographies by pointing toward present-day Eritrea, and by extension Adulis, as a source of baboons for Late Period Egyptians. It also establishes geographic continuity with baboons from the fabled Land of Punt (Dominy et al., 2020), giving weight to speculation that Punt and Adulis were essentially the same trading centres separated by a thousand years of history.

    Editor's evaluation

    This fundamental Research Advance sheds new light on the ancient baboon trade in the Red Sea. Combining ancient DNA methods from a mummified baboon with historical accounts, this work provides compelling evidence connecting the ancient Egyptian trade of baboons with the ancient port city of Adulis. The results will be of significance to a broad range of scholars interested in applying ancient DNA to improve our knowledge of historical events.


    Adulis, on the coast of present-day Eritrea, was an important hub during the rise of cross-ocean maritime trade, connecting ships, cargoes, and ideas from Egypt, Arabia, and India (Burstein, 2002; Munro-Hay, 1982; Seland, 2008). Trade peaked between the fourth and seventh centuries CE, propelling the rise and expansion of the Aksumite kingdom, but its occupation history extends, at minimum, to the first millennium BCE (Zazzaro et al., 2014). Corroborating this archaeological record are written accounts that draw attention to the importance of Adulis as one of the foremost sources of African animals or animal products during the Hellenistic period (323–31 BCE). In Topographia Christiana, a sixth-century text, the Nestorian merchant Cosmas Indicopleustes recounts his own visit to Adulis in 518 CE (Fauvelle-Aymar, 2009; Hatke, 2013). There he copied the text of a stele inscribed in Greek and known today as the Monumentum Adulitanum I. The text celebrates the military conquests of Ptolemy III Euergetes (reign: 246–222 BCE) and notes the local availability of war elephants for himself and his predecessor, Ptolemy II Philadelphus (reign: 284–246 BCE) (Bowersock, 2013).

    Echoing this account is the first-century Periplus Maris Erythraei, an anonymous text focused on maritime trade across the Red Sea Basin: 'practically the whole number of elephants and rhinoceros that are killed live in the places inland, although at rare intervals they are hunted on the seacoast even near Adulis' (Casson, 1989; Casson, 1993). Pliny the Elder described Adulis as a thriving emporium in his Naturalis Historia, another first-century text, and commented on the availability of ivory, rhinoceros horn, hippopotamus hides, tortoise shell, and sphingia—or 'sphinx monkeys,' a term that probably refers to the gelada, Theropithecus gelada (Jolly and Ucko, 1969). Pliny's account relied heavily on the writings of Agatharchides of Cnidus (ca. 145 BCE), who described 'Aithiopia' (meaning the Red Sea coast and African hinterlands) as a source of sphinx monkeys, cepi (probably patas monkeys, Erythrocebus patas; Burstein, 1989), and cynocephali—or 'dog-heads.' Strabo's Geographica references the worship of cynocephali at Hermopolis (Egypt), making it clear that the animal in question is the hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas), the traditional sacred animal of the Egyptian god Thoth (Figure 1). The source of baboons in ancient Egypt is an enduring question (Dominy et al., 2020) as the current distribution of baboons excludes Egypt (Figure 2) and there is no prehistoric evidence of baboons occurring in Egypt naturally (Geraads, 1987).

    Figure 1
    Strabo's reference (17.1.40) to the worship of cynocephali at Hermopolis Magna makes clear that the animal in question is the hamadryas baboon (Papio hamadryas).

    The sanctuary and temple complex featured several 35-tonne statues of P. hamadryas as the embodiment of Thoth. One of the oldest deities in the Egyptian pantheon, Thoth is best known as a god of …

    Figure 2
    Present-day distributions of the six baboon species, major mitochondrial clades, and provenance of samples analysed in this study.

    (a) Overview of species distributions according to the IUCN (2020) and coloured by species (red: P. papio; brown: P. ursinus; yellow: P. cynocephalus; orange: P. kindae; green: P. anubis; purple: P. …

    Though fragmentary, this historiography points to Adulis as a commercial source of mummified baboons in Ptolemaic catacombs, such as those at Saqqara and Tuna el-Gebel (Goudsmit and Brandon-Jones, 1999; Peters, 2020) [or those of their progenitors if Ptolemaic Egyptians maintained captive breeding programs; (von den Driesch et al., 2004)]. At the same time, these accounts invite questions focused on the source of pre-Ptolemaic baboons recovered from Gabbanat el-Qurud, Egypt (Lortet and Gaillard, 1907) and dated to ca. 800–540 BCE (Richardin et al., 2017), a span that corresponds to the 25th Dynasty and Late Period of Egyptian antiquity. If these older specimens can be traced to Eritrea, and by extension Adulis, then they have the potential to extend the time depth of Egyptian–Adulite trade by as much as five centuries.

    Mummified baboons have been investigated morphologically, revealing species-level taxonomic assignments as well as individual details, such as age, sex, and pathological condition (Boessneck, 1987; Brandon-Jones and Goudsmit, 2022; Goudsmit and Brandon-Jones, 1999; Peters, 2020). Such data are telling, but insufficient for determining fine-scale geographic origins. Recent oxygen and strontium stable isotope evidence suggests that mummified hamadryas baboons were imported from a region encompassing northern Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia (Dominy et al., 2020), a level of geographic precision with limited practical value. Another limitation concerns the captive breeding of some animals. For instance, stable isotopes can reveal a lifetime in Egypt but not the geoprovenance of the source population, as shown for olive baboons from the Ptolemaic catacombs of North Saqqara (Dominy et al., 2020). The analysis of ancient DNA (aDNA) recovered from baboon mummies and compared to the current distribution of baboon genetic diversity has the potential to provide more detailed insights on the geographic origin of baboons in ancient Egypt. To explore this possibility, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of a mummified baboon to infer its geographic origin through phylogenetic assignment.

    Gabbanat el-Qurud

    In Topography of Thebes, Wilkinson, 1853 noted a site called Gabbanat el-Qurud ('Valley of the Monkeys') located ca. 2.5 km north–northwest of Medinet Habu, the mortuary temple of Ramses III. Intrigued by this observation, French Egyptologists Louis Lortet and Claude Gaillard sought and found the site in February 1905, along with the remains of mummified baboons. They recovered '17 skulls and a large quantity of bones,' which they attributed to Papio anubis and P. hamadryas (Lortet and Gaillard, 1907). The assemblage includes juvenile and adult males and females buried in jars, sarcophagi, or wooden coffins. Now accessioned in the Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France, the linen wrapping of one mummified individual (MHNL 90001206) was dated radiometrically to 803–544 cal. BC (95.4%) (Richardin et al., 2017).

    Ottoni et al., 2019 sampled dental calculus from 16 individuals in this same assemblage and reported the preservation of ancient microbial DNA in a subset of six. Their success motivated us to extract DNA from the remaining tooth material of ten individuals (Table 1, Supplementary file 1). In addition, we obtained samples (skin, bone, or tooth) from 21 modern historic specimens of baboons available in museum collections and representing the northeast African distribution of Papio (Table 1, Figure 2). These specimens were collected between 1855 and 1978, and we denote them 'historic samples' in the remainder of the article to distinguish them both from the older mummified specimens ('mummified samples') and recently collected material ('modern samples'). Latitude–longitude information on the origin of the specimens was either derived from the respective museum database or assigned based on the listed provenance (Table 1).

    Table 1
    Information on samples analysed in this study.
    Taxon Origin Museum ID Country Latitude Longitude MitoClade AccNo Reference
    P. hamadryas MNHN MO-1972–357 ETH 9.320 42.119 G3-X OQ538080 This study
    P. hamadryas SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-001034* ETH 11.500 39.300 G3-X OQ538076 This study
    P. hamadryas MfN ZMB_Mam_025647_(2) ETH 14.164 38.891 G3-X OQ538079 This study
    P. hamadryas SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-000960 ERI 15.783 38.453 G3-X OQ538078 This study
    P. hamadryas NHMUK ZD.1910.10.3.1 SOM 9.933 45.200 G3-X MT279063 Roos et al., 2021
    P. hamadryas MfN ZMB_Mam_012808 ETH 9.314 42.118 G3-X OQ538089 this study
    P. anubis Wild
    ETH 8.968 38.571 G3-X JX946196 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. hamadryas MfN ZMB_Mam_042543_(1) ETH 9.593 41.866 G3-Z OQ538084 this study
    P. hamadryas MfN ZMB_Mam_074849 DJI 11.589 43.129 G3-Z OQ538085 this study
    P. hamadryas MNHN MO-1972–359 ETH 6.998 40.478 G3-Z OQ538086 this study
    P. hamadryas SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-001288 SDN 19.110 37.327 G3-Y OQ538081 this study
    P. hamadryas Wild
    ERI 15.011 38.971 G3-Y JX946201 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. hamadryas SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-007509 - - - G3-Y OQ538082 this study
    P. hamadryas MHNL 51000172 EGY - - G3-Y OQ538083 this study
    P. anubis SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-000584 SDN 13.460 33.780 G3-Y OQ538075 this study
    P. cynocephalus Wild
    TNZ 7.347 37.165 G1 JX946199 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. cynocephalus MNHN ZM-MO-1977-5 SOM 3.243 45.471 G1 OQ538088 this study
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD1929.4.27.2 COD 0.800 26.633 J MT279061 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD1929.4.27.1 COD 1.183 27.650 J MT279062 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis Wild 19GNM2220916 TNZ 4.679 29.621 J MG787545 Roos et al., 2018
    P. anubis SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-032128 SSD 4.281 33.555 J OQ538087 this study
    P. anubis SMNS SMNS-Z-MAM-000583 SDN 13.333 32.729 J OQ538077 this study
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_074869 CMR 5.533 12.317 F OQ538071 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis Wild
    NGA 7.317 11.583 F JX946198 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_074887 CMR 9.328 12.946 F OQ538069 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_074885 NGA 7.298 10.318 F OQ538064 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_074883 CMR 6.334 9.961 F OQ538072 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. papio Wild
    SEN 12.883 12.767 E JX946203 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD.1947.586 SLE 8.917 11.817 E MT279064 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_075043 TGO 9.260 0.781 D OQ538066 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_011198 TGO 6.228 1.478 D OQ538067 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis Wild
    CIV 8.800 3.790 D JX946197 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. anubis MfN ZMB_Mam_007396_(1) TGO 6.950 0.585 D OQ538065 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD.1939.1022 NER 17.000 7.933 D MT279065 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD.1939.1020 NER 17.683 8.483 D MT279066 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis MNHN ZM-MO-1960-476 TCD 20.344 16.786 K MT279067 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis MNHN MO-1996-2511 CAF 3.905 17.922 K OQ538068 Kopp et al. in prep
    P. anubis NHMUK ZD.1907.7.8.11 CAF 8.000 20.000 K MT279068 Roos et al., 2021
    P. anubis MNHN MO-1996-2510 CAF 4.966 18.701 K OQ538070 Kopp et al. in prep
    P.ursinus Wild
    ZAF 24.680 30.790 B JX946205 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. cynocephalus Wild
    TNZ 11.261 37.514 B JX946200 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. kindae

    ZMB 12.591 30.252 C JX946202 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. cynocephalus Wild 04MNM1300916 TNZ 6.119 29.730 H MT279069 Roos et al., 2021
    P. ursinus Wild
    ZAF 34.456 20.407 A JX946204 Zinner et al., 2013
    P. cynocephalus Wild 24UNF1150317 TNZ 7.815 36.895
    MT279060 Roos et al., 2021
    Theropithecus gelada

    FJ785426 Hodgson et al., 2009
    1. AccNo, GenBank accession number; NHMUK, Natural History Museum, London; MNHN, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris; MfN, Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin; SMNS, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart; MdC, Musée des Confluences, Lyon

    2. *

      Mislabelled in museum records as T. gelada.

    3. Unclear provenance 'Somaliland' (not equal to present-day Somaliland).

    4. Misidentified provenance 'Abyssinia' as Ethiopia in museum records.


    Mitogenomes from mummified and historic specimens

    We discarded seven historic samples and nine mummified samples from our analysis due to insufficient DNA content, sequencing failure, or low coverage and sequencing depth (Supplementary file 1). Thus, our results are based on the newly generated mitogenomes of 14 historic and 1 mummified individual (Table 1). In total, we obtained 896,025,770 raw sequence reads, with a mean of 34,462,530 (± SD 27,945,321) raw sequence reads per sample. On average, 95.5% of reads survived trimming and a median of 9934 (range: 244–2,722,354) reads per sample mapped to the reference mitogenome. After removal of duplicates (duplication level median: 25.1%; range: 2.5–92.6%), a median of 7398 (range: 237–497,458) mapped reads per sample resulted in the median final sequencing depth of 26× (range: 0.21–2952×). After exclusion of samples with low quality, the final dataset had a median final sequencing depth of 37× (range: 16–2952×), with a median of 0.4% undetermined sites (range: 0–1.7%) and a median breadth of coverage of at least 3× of 99.3% (range: 97.4–100%) (Supplementary file 1). All these metrics differed considerably depending on sample age (historic versus mummified) and DNA concentration (Figures 3 and 4). Capture enrichment strongly increased the number of mapped reads and final mean coverage compared to the shotgun approach (Figures 3 and 4). GC content of sequences was 40–50% (Figure 5) in the same range as the reference genomes.

    Figure 3
    Comparison of DNA concentration and amount of distinct mapped reads.

    A higher DNA concentration produces a higher number of distinct mapped reads. Capture enrichment additionally increases the number of distinct mapped reads. Circles and triangles depict the …

    Figure 4
    Overview of sequencing success for museum and mummy specimens.

    Mean (± SD) final coverage of the mitogenome is shown for each sample (with abbreviated museum ID). Circles and triangles depict the different sequencing approaches, enrichment and shotgun, …

    Figure 5
    Distribution of GC content in historic samples and mummified samples.

    The sequencing reads of the mummified sample (MHNL51000172) exhibit C to T and G to A misincorporations at 5′ and 3′ ends, reaching frequencies of 3.3 and 1.6% at the first/last position of the read (Figure 6). Mapped reads of the mummified sample agreed to median of 99.2% (IQR 1.6%) when focussing on the 125 sites that exhibited fixed differences between subclades and differed at three sites from the variant found in its subclade (Figure 7a). When focussing on the 37 sites that are fixed in the subclade of attribution of the mummified baboon but differed in its consensus sequence, mapped reads agreed to a median of 97.3% (IQR 3.1%) (Figure 7b).

    Figure 6
    DNA damage plot for the sample of the mummified baboon MHNL 51000172 from 5′ and 3′ read ends, showing mean frequencies of C to T substitutions (red), G to A substitutions (blue), deletions (grey), and insertions (yellow) over the first/last 25 positions.
    Figure 7
    Barplots showing the bases of mapped reads for the sample of the mummified baboon MHNL 51000172 at sites that (a) exhibit fixed differences among northeastern subclades and (b) are fixed in subclade G3-Y but differ in the consensus sequence of the mummified baboon.

    Sites are named according to their position and the base in the G3-Y consensus sequence and coloured by base. Bases are colour-coded (A: red; C: blue; G: yellow, T: green).

    Phylogenetic mapping

    Phylogenetic trees inferred from maximum likelihood (ML) and Bayesian inference (BI) revealed identical topologies with generally strong node support (100% bootstrap support [BS] and posterior probability [PP] 1.0) and clearly defined geographic clades (Figure 8, Figure 8—figure supplement 1). These mitochondrial clades did not directly mirror species assignments. Within the northeastern baboons, the central olive baboon clade J from Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, South Sudan, and southern Sudan diverged first, followed by northern yellow baboons of clade G1 including a sample from Somalia. Hamadryas baboons formed clade G3, which also included olive baboons from the region. Clade G3 contained three subclades: subclade G3-Z comprised hamadryas baboons from Ethiopia and Djibouti; subclade G3-X comprised hamadryas and olive baboons from Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Somalia; and subclade G3-Y comprised hamadryas and olive baboons from northeastern Sudan and Eritrea. The mummified baboon from Gabbanat el-Qurud (MHNL 51000172) was located in subclade G3-Y, closely related to samples from Eritrea and northeastern Sudan.

    Figure 8 with 1 supplement
    Phylogeny of baboons based on complete mitochondrial genomes as inferred from maximum likelihood analysis.

    P. cynocephalus from the Udzungwa Mountains and outgroup T. gelada were omitted from visualization for clarity. The analysed baboon mummy sample MHNL 51000172 (in bold) falls into clade G3-Y. Clade …

    The median-joining haplotype networks differentiated samples within clade G3 in greater detail and in a more precise geographic context (Figure 9, Figure 9—figure supplement 1). They revealed the same three subclades within the G3 clade. The HVRI and the cyt b networks were concordant both with each other and with the phylogenetic reconstructions in the attribution of samples to the different subclades, but exhibited slight discrepancies in the relation of clades to each other and the positioning of samples within the clades. Subclade G3-X contained hamadryas baboons from Ethiopia, Somalia, and Eritrea. Subclade G3-Z contained samples from Ethiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, from the southern tip of Eritrea, and the Arabian Peninsula. Subclade G3-Y contained samples from Eritrea, eastern Sudan, the Arabian Peninsula, and the mummified sample MHNL 51000172. Individuals closely related to this mummified baboon in the cyt b network were those from Sudan (on the Red Sea coast and in Senaar), Eritrea (between 14.3–16.0N 36.7–39.0E), and the Arabian Peninsula (Figure 9—figure supplement 1), and in the HVRI network samples from location 'Bbr' (Barka Bridge, 15.6N 38.0E) in Eritrea (Figure 9).

    Figure 9 with 1 supplement
    Median-joining haplotype network of northeastern baboons based on 644 HVRI sequences (176 bp).

    The analysed baboon mummy sample resolves in clade G3-Y (depicted in red, black arrow). Circle colour reflects species and country of origin ('Arabia'' comprises samples from Yemen and Saudi Arabia, …


    We succeeded in sequencing the mitogenomes of 14 historic baboons from northeastern Africa and a mummified baboon recovered from Gabbanat el-Qurud, presenting the first genetic data of a mummified baboon from ancient Egypt to date. DNA of the mummified baboon shows post-mortem damage, which is, however, relatively low compared to what can be expected for samples of similar age (Dabney et al., 2013b, Kistler et al., 2017). Low frequencies of post-mortem damage were observed for aDNA from mummified specimens and have been attributed to the water deprivation during the mummification process, which may prevent hydrolytic deamination (Rossi et al., 2021). Post-mortem damage observed here is within the range previously reported for aDNA derived from mummified Egyptians (Schuenemann et al., 2017) and sheep recovered from an Iranian saltmine (Rossi et al., 2021), which supports the authentic origin of our ancient sequence data and tends to rule out the possibility of contamination with modern DNA. The very low frequency of mismatches in the mapped reads from the mummified sample and its unique sequence are further evidence against the concern of contamination from other baboon samples.

    Our phylogenetic analysis of the newly generated mitogenomes in combination with published mitochondrial sequence data produced tree topologies in agreement with those of prior studies, with three well-supported clades across the northeastern distribution of Papio (Roos et al., 2021). As previously described, introgressive hybridization has led to discordances between species assignment and mitochondrial clades (Rogers et al., 2019; Sørensen et al., 2023; Zinner et al., 2009; Zinner et al., 2011). Our findings are notable for including specimens from previously unsampled or underrepresented regions, filling gaps in our knowledge of the distribution of mitochondrial clades. For instance, we report mitochondrial sequence data of baboons from regions previously unstudied, namely South Sudan and Sudan. We show that samples from South and southern Sudan, east of the White Nile, nest within the central olive baboon clade J, whereas samples from the coastal region of Sudan and east of the Blue Nile nest within the hamadryas clade G3. These findings expand the northern distributions of both clade J and clade G3 significantly, while also highlighting a strong geographic affinity between clade J and the Albertine Rift and (White) Nile Valley. Taxonomically, this clade corresponds with two subspecies recognized by Hill, 1970: P. a. heuglini and P. a. tesselatum.

    A mummified hamadryas baboon from Gabbanat el-Qurud (MHNL 51000172) yielded sufficient aDNA to produce a complete mitogenome, which fell unequivocally in subclade G3-Y (cf. Kopp et al., 2014b). Haplotype networks allowed us to further refine subclade G3-Y, which consists of P. hamadryas and P. anubis samples from Eritrea and P. anubis samples from neighbouring regions in Sudan. G3-Y also includes samples from the southern-most distribution of P. hamadryas on the Arabian Peninsula. Geographic stability of phylogenetic clades over millennia has been shown for other baboon populations (Mathieson et al., 2020), leading us to infer that MHNL 51000172 (or its maternal ancestor) originated in the region where clade G3-Y exists today. We cannot completely rule out an Arabian origin for MHNL 51000172, as our data does not cover the entire historic and present haplotype diversity there, but the tight clustering of the currently available Arabian sequences and distances in the HVRI network make an Arabian origin of MHNL 51000172 unlikely. Similarly, the close relationship with a sample of P. anubis from Sudan east of the Blue Nile (SMNS-Z-MAM-000584) could indicate trafficking of baboons along the Nile, as suggested for specimens of P. anubis recovered from Ptolemaic catacombs (Brandon-Jones and Goudsmit, 2022; Peters, 2020) and the Predynastic site of Hierakonpolis (Van Neer et al., 2004). However, MHNL 51000172 was identified phenotypically as P. hamadryas (Lortet and Gaillard, 1907), and the distribution of hamadryas baboons is restricted to more eastern regions (Figure 2). If the distributions of baboons in northeastern Africa have remained roughly stable within the last 2500 y (as supported by ecological niche modelling; Chala et al., 2019), the region in Sudan east of the Blue Nile and west of the Atbarah River could not have served as a source region for hamadryas baboons. Thus, it stands to reason that MHNL 51000172 (or its maternal ancestor) was captured in present-day Eritrea (or close neighbouring regions) and trafficked to Egypt. The value of this finding is twofold. First, it connects the mummified baboon to populations that live today in Eritrea and eastern Sudan, between 13° and 20° latitude. Second, it corroborates the reports of Greco-Roman historians, who described Eritrea, and specifically Adulis, as the sole source of P. hamadryas for Ptolemaic Egyptians.

    Yet, this baboon predates the reign of Ptolemy I by centuries, presuming it is contemporaneous with another baboon (MHNL 90001206) in the same assemblage, ca. 800–540 BCE (Richardin et al., 2017). Thus, our findings raise the possibility that Adulis already existed as a trading centre or entrepôt during the 25th and 26th dynasties of Egypt. Although speculative, and expressed with due caution, our reasoning would extend the antiquity of Egyptian–Adulite trade by as much as five centuries.

    Arguing for pre-Ptolemaic contact between Egypt and Adulis is fraught in the absence of corroborating material evidence—but even so, the archaeological record is not entirely silent on the prospect. Manzo, 2010 and others (Zazzaro et al., 2014) reassessed the ceramic tradition at Adulis and developed a chronology that stretches to the early second millennium BCE, the deepest levels of which contained a fragment of blue glass with yellow inlays similar to Egyptian glass from the New Kingdom (Fattovich, 2018). In Egypt, contact with the Eritrean lowlands is attested by trade goods dating to ca. 1800–1650 BCE or earlier, including potsherds, obsidian, and fragments of carbonized ebony (Fattovich, 2018; Lucarini et al., 2020). Discovered at Mersa Gawasis, a Middle Kingdom harbour, these artefacts appear to align the prehistory of Adulis with the fabled Land of Punt (Bard and Fattovich, 2018; Manzo, 2010; Manzo, 2012), an enigmatic toponym scattered across scant and disconnected records (Cooper, 2020).

    Punt existed in a region south and east of Egypt, and was accessible by land or sea. For Egyptians, Punt was a source of 'marvels,' particularly incense, but also baboons, that drove bidirectional trade for 1300 y (ca. 2500–1170 BCE) (Tallet, 2013). Some scholars have described this enterprise as the beginning of economic globalization (Fattovich, 2012), whereas others view it as the earliest maritime leg of the spice route (Keay, 2006), a trade network that would shape geopolitical fortunes for millennia. The global historical importance of Punt is therefore considerable, but there is a problem—its location is uncertain, in part because the toponym fades from view. From the early first millennium BCE, there are no further records of Egyptians in Punt or of Puntites visiting Egypt. There are, however, two incomplete inscriptions that mention Punt in a narrative context, and both are attributed to the 26th (Saite) Dynasty (Betrò, 1996; Cavasin, 2019). One of these, the Defenneh stele, describes an expedition to Punt that was saved from dying thirst by unexpected rainfall on 'the mountains of Punt' (Meeks, 2003). The Defenneh stele is a testament to the efforts of Saitic pharaohs to revive maritime commerce on the Red Sea (Lloyd, 1977), while also raising the possibility of renewed trade with Punt. It is perhaps no coincidence that the Saite dynasty (664–525 BCE) exists squarely within the radiometric date range of hamadryas baboons from Gabbanat el-Qurud.

    Punt, like Adulis, was a source of baboons for Egyptians, a history that raises the possibility of using baboons as a tool for testing geographic hypotheses. Recently, Dominy et al., 2020 used stable isotope mapping methods to determine the geoprovenance of mummified baboons from Thebes (modern-day Luxor) and dated to the (late) New Kingdom. Their results pointed to present-day Ethiopia, Eritrea, or Djibouti, as well as portions of Somalia, an area that corroborates most scholarly views on the location of Punt (Breyer, 2016; Kitchen, 2004), but see Meeks, 2002; Meeks, 2003; Tallet, 2013. Here, we used aDNA to show that at least one baboon from the 25th Dynasty or Late Period of Egyptian history—a span that coincides with the last known expeditions to Punt, but predates Greco-Roman accounts of Adulis as a source of baboons—can be traced to Eritrea. Thus, our findings appear to establish primatological continuity between Punt and Adulis. Such a conclusion must be viewed with caution, but it bolsters recurrent conjecture among some historical archaeologists: that Punt and Adulis were essentially the same trading centre from different eras of Egyptian antiquity (Doresse, 1959; Fattovich, 2018; Kitchen, 2004; Massa, 2021; Phillips, 1997; Sleeswyk, 1983).

    At minimum, our results reinforce the view that ancient Egyptian mariners travelled great distances to acquire living baboons. A great strength of this conclusion is that it is based on distinct but complementary methods, but of course, the sample size is paltry and limited to P. hamadryas, one of two baboon species recovered from Gabbanat el-Qurud. Moving forward, it would be desirable to expand the sample size, examine specimens of P. anubis as well as nuclear genomic data for increased precision, and include different time intervals of baboon mummification.

    Future directions

    Direct radiocarbon dating of MHNL 51000172 and other baboons from Gabbanat el-Qurud is an urgent priority, in part because doing so would put these specimens into conversation with those from the catacombs of Tuna el-Gebel. The oldest gallery at Tuna el-Gebel, Gallery D, is dated to the 26th Dynasty and contains a single species of baboon: P. anubis. Some scholars (Peters, 2020; von den Driesch et al., 2004) have argued that these olive baboons, as well as Chlorocebus aethiops (also found in Gallery D), were sourced from the Sudanese Nile Valley and adjacent areas, which predicts membership in clade G3-Y, although clade J is also plausible. Construction of Gallery C began during the first period of Persian rule in Egypt (524–404 BCE) and continued through the 30th and Ptolemaic dynasties. As every phase of Gallery C contains mummified specimens of both P. anubis and P. hamadryas, there is rich opportunity to explore diachronic changes in trade routes using phylogeographic methods. Uniform membership in clade G3-Y, for example, would affirm that Late Period Egyptians were sourcing P. hamadryas from Eritrea as early as the sixth century BCE. Testing this hypothesis may prove rewarding.

    Materials and methods

    DNA extraction and sequencing

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    DNA damage and degradation is expected from ancient (mummified) and nineteenth/early twentieth-century museum specimens. We therefore analysed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), which is available in higher copy numbers than nuclear DNA and holds greater potential for success when sample quality is poor. We analysed complete mitogenomes because they are effective for reconstructing robust mitochondrial phylogenies of modern baboons and have proven to indicate the geographic origin of the corresponding sample reliably (Roos et al., 2021; Zinner et al., 2013). Recent advances in sequencing technologies allow the successful sequencing of mitogenomes either with a shotgun sequencing approach or, for samples with very low DNA quality and quantity, with a capture enrichment approach (Schuenemann et al., 2017; Shapiro and Hofreiter, 2012).

    We extracted DNA with a specific column-based method aimed at the recovery of short DNA fragments following established protocols and necessary precautions for the analysis of aDNA (Dabney et al., 2013a; Rohland et al., 2004; Roos et al., 2021). In particular, samples from mummified specimens were extracted separately and in a dedicated aDNA laboratory to prevent cross-contamination. Concentration of DNA extracts was measured on a Qubit fluorometer (Life Technologies, Singapore) and quality checked on a Bioanalyzer (Agilent, Santa Clara, USA) or Tapestation 2200 (Agilent). All samples were initially sequenced with a shotgun approach. Samples with DNA extract concentrations below 4.5 ng/μl or final mitogenome sequencing depth below 10×, and with enough remaining DNA extract, were enriched for mtDNA with a capture approach.

    For the shotgun approach, sequencing libraries were prepared with the NEBNext Ultra II DNA Library Prep Kit (New England BioLabs, Frankfurt, Germany) according to the manufacturer's instructions without prior fragmentation. Library concentration and quality were assessed with the Qubit Fluorometer and Bioanalyzer and molarity was estimated via qPCR with the NEBNext Library Quant Kit (New England BioLabs). Libraries were single indexed with NEBNext Multiplex Oligos (New England BioLabs) with 5–11 PCR cycles and cleaned up with the kit's beads.

    For the capture enrichment approach, RNA baits (myBaits custom Kit, Arbor Biosciences, Ann Arbor, USA) were designed for the mitogenome of P. anubis East (GenBank Acc. No. JX946196; Zinner et al., 2013). We prepared libraries with the Accel-NGS 1S Plus DNA Library Kit and the 1S Plus Dual Indexing Kit (Swift Biosciences, Ann Arbor, USA) according to the manufacturer's instructions for small fragment retention. Hybridization capture was performed with a 48 hr incubation step according to the manufacturer's instructions for highly degraded DNA. After library amplification with 14 PCR cycles, libraries were cleaned with SPRIselect beads (Beckmann Coulter, Krefeld, Germany).

    Sequencing was performed with 24 libraries per lane (23 samples + pooled negative control to monitor contamination) on an Illumina HiSeq4000 (50 bp, single-end read) at the NGS Integrative Genomics core unit of the University Medical Center Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany, or on a NovaSeq6000 SP flow cell (100 bp, paired-end read) at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany. Capture enrichment libraries were reloaded and sequenced a second time to increase the number of reads.

    Mitogenome assembly

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    Raw sequencing reads were demultiplexed and adapters trimmed at the sequencing facilities. We performed subsequent sequence processing on the central high-performance computing cluster bwForCluster BinAC. We checked read quality with FastQC 0.11.8 (Andrews, 2010), trimmed and filtered reads with Trimmomatic 0.39 (Bolger et al., 2014) using the settings ILLUMINACLIP:TruSeq3-PE.fa:2:30:10 MINLEN:30 SLIDINGWINDOW:4:20 LEADING:20 TRAILING:20, AVGQUAL:30, and confirmed adequate quality of trimmed reads again with FastQC. Reads were mapped with Burrows Wheeler Aligner (BWA) backtrack 0.7.17 (Li and Durbin, 2009) using default settings independently to each of the seven different mitogenomes of representatives of the northern baboon clades (P. anubis East JX946196; P. anubis Gombe MG787545; P. anubis West1 JX946197; P. anubis West 2JX946198; P. cynocephalus North JX946199; P. hamadryas JX946201; P. papio JX946203). We chose this approach to avoid biases in downstream analyses introduced through the choice of the reference genome and used the consensus sequence resulting from the best mapping results in downstream analyses. We did not adjust the settings as usually recommended to improve mapping results for aDNA (Schubert et al., 2012) but were stringent in mapping and filtering of reads to avoid the inclusion of nuclear mitochondrial DNA segments (NUMTs). Alignments were indexed with SAMtools 1.10 'index' and filtered with 'view' for mapped and (in the case of paired-end data) properly paired reads with a mapping quality of at least MAPQ 30. Library complexity was estimated with the 'EstimateLibraryComplexity' from the Picard Toolkit 2.20.4 (Broad Institute, 2019). We merged BAM files of the same samples with 'MergeSamFiles' and removed duplicates with 'MarkDuplicates' from the Picard Toolkit. DNA damage was estimated calculating the frequency of base substitutions, insertions, and deletions at the 5′ and 3′ end, respectively, with DamageProfiler 1.0 (Neukamm et al., 2021). We calculated average sequencing depth with SAMtools 1.10 'depth' (Li et al., 2009) as the sum of reads covering each position divided by the number of bases in the reference genome, and estimated GC-bias with 'CollectGCBiasMetrics' from the Picard Toolkit. We created a consensus sequence for each sample with the 'doFasta' option in ANGSD (Korneliussen et al., 2014) using the base with the highest effective depth (EBD) and setting positions with coverage below 2 to undetermined. We only retained mitogenomes for further analyses for which at least 80% of the sequence were covered at 3×.

    We augmented our dataset with published mitogenomes of baboons (Roos et al., 2021) and T. gelada as outgroup (Table 1) and aligned sequences with MUSCLE 3.8.81 (Edgar, 2004) as implemented in the package msa 1.28.0 (Bodenhofer et al., 2015) in R 4.2.1 (R Development Core Team, 2022) using standard settings with a maximum number of 16 iterations.

    For a more fine-scale geographic representation, we further included published sequence data from the northeastern part of the baboon distribution of two different mitochondrial markers with differing resolution: the cytochrome b gene (cyt b) (Zinner et al., 2009; Zinner et al., 2015) and a fragment of the hypervariable region I (HVRI) of the D-loop (Hapke et al., 2001; Kopp et al., 2014a; Kopp et al., 2014b; Städele et al., 2015; Winney et al., 2004). We extracted the corresponding regions from the mitogenome alignment and again removed sequences with more than 10% undetermined sites.

    We assessed contamination by checking mismatches of the mapped reads from the mummified sample at sites in the mitogenome that (i) are distinct between northeastern subclades (125 fixed differences) and (ii) are fixed in subclade G3-Y (considering all samples but the mummified baboon) but differ in the consensus sequence of the mummified sample (37 sites).

    Phylogenetic reconstruction

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    To identify the phylogenetic affiliation of the newly investigated samples, we reconstructed phylogenetic trees based on the final dataset of 46 mitogenomes (alignment length: 16,628 bp) using ML and BI methods with W-IQ-Tree 1.6.12 (Nguyen et al., 2015; Trifinopoulos et al., 2016) and MrBayes 3.2.7 (Huelsenbeck and Ronquist, 2001; Ronquist and Huelsenbeck, 2003), respectively. We treated the mitogenome as a single partition, the optimal substitution model for phylogenetic reconstructions was detected to be TN + F + I + G4 (Tamura and Nei, 1993) under the Bayesian information criterion and GTR + F + I + G4 (Tavaré, 1986) under the Corrected Akaike Information Criterion with Modelfinder (Kalyaanamoorthy et al., 2017) as implemented in W-IQ-Tree. The ML tree was reconstructed with 10,000 ultrafast bootstrap replications (Hoang et al., 2018) applying the TN + F + I + G4 model. The BI tree was reconstructed applying the GTR + I + G model and using four independent Markov chain Monte Carlo runs with 1 million generations, a burn-in of 25%, and sampling every 100 generations. To ensure convergence, the Potential Scale Reduction Factor was checked to be close to 1 for all parameters. We visualized phylogenetic trees with the R package ggtree 3.4.2 (Yu et al., 2017) and adopted clade nomination of Roos et al., 2021 and Kopp et al., 2014b.

    Haplotype networks

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    To determine the mitochondrial clade of origin of the analysed samples more precisely, we reconstructed median-joining haplotype networks (Bandelt et al., 1999) with Popart 1.7 (Leigh and Bryant, 2015) for both the HVRI (n = 644, 176 bp) and the cyt b (n = 137, 1140 bp) dataset.

    Geographic maps

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    Geographic maps were created in R. We obtained species distribution shapefiles from IUCN (Gippoliti, 2019; Sithaldeen, 2019; Wallis, 2020a; Wallis, 2020b; Wallis et al., 2020; Wallis et al., 2021), river, lake and coastlines from Natural Earth ( via rnaturalearth 0.1.0 (Massicotte and South, 2023).

    Data availability

    Raw sequencing data are deposited in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA, project accession no. PRJEB60261), mitochondrial genomes on Genbank (accession numbers: OQ538075-OQ538089). Code used for data processing and analysis is available on OSF via

    The following data sets were generated
      1. Kopp GH
      (2023) Open Science Framework
      Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity.
      1. Kopp GH
      (2023) European Nucleotide Archive
      ID PRJEB60261. Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538075. Papio anubis isolate mitoclade G3-Y voucher Z-MAM-000584 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538076. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-X voucher Z-MAM-001034 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538077. Papio anubis isolate mitoclade J voucher Z-MAM-000583 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer Z
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538078. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-X voucher Z-MAM-000960 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538079. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-X voucher ZMB_Mam-025647 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538080. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-X voucher MO-1972-357 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538081. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-Y voucher Z-MAM-001288 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538082. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-Y voucher Z-MAM-007509 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538084. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-Z voucher ZMB_Mam-042543 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538085. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-Z voucher ZMB_Mam-074849 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538086. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-Z voucher MO-1972-359 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538087. Papio anubis isolate mitoclade J voucher Z-MAM-032128 mitochondrion, complete genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538088. Papio cynocephalus voucher ZM-MO-1977-5 mitochondrion, partial genome.
      1. Grathwol F
      2. Roos C
      3. Zinner D
      4. Hume B
      5. Porcier SM
      6. Berthet D
      7. Cuisin J
      8. Merker S
      9. Ottoni C
      10. Van Neer W
      11. Dominy NJ
      12. Kopp GH
      (2023) NCBI GenBank
      ID OQ538089. Papio hamadryas isolate mitoclade G3-X voucher ZMB_Mam_012808 mitochondrion, complete genome.


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    Decision letter

    1. Ammie K Kalan
      Reviewing Editor; University of Victoria, Canada
    2. Christian Rutz
      Senior Editor; University of St Andrews, United Kingdom
    3. Julien Cooper
      Reviewer; Macquarie University, Australia

    Our editorial process produces two outputs: (i) public reviews designed to be posted alongside the preprint for the benefit of readers; (ii) feedback on the manuscript for the authors, including requests for revisions, shown below. We also include an acceptance summary that explains what the editors found interesting or important about the work.

    Decision letter after peer review:

    Thank you for submitting your article "Adulis and the transshipment of baboons during classical antiquity" for consideration by eLife. Your article has been reviewed by 2 peer reviewers, and the evaluation has been overseen by a Reviewing Editor and Christian Rutz as the Senior Editor. The following individuals involved in review of your submission have agreed to reveal their identity: Julien Cooper (Reviewer #1).

    The reviewers have discussed their reviews with one another, and the Reviewing Editor has drafted this to help you prepare a revised submission.

    Essential revisions:

    The main points for revision concern:

    1) clarifying the geographic range attributed in the abstract (and throughout the article) for the provenance of the mummified baboon. Please check/ clarify that Adulis port is inferred from historical accounts and location is more generally coastal Eritrea/eastern Sudan.

    2) provide DNA contamination estimates based on the mismatch between reads and the consensus sequence for the historical baboon samples as well for the mummified one. It was also recommended that contamination estimates be restricted to transversions for the mummified baboon. (see Reviewer #2's comments for further clarification).

    Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

    I congratulate the authors on this study, this is a solid argument for connecting the Egyptian baboon trade with Eritrea and the authors are able to link this convincingly with the wider Punt debate. The language is carefully worded and provides an accurate assessment of the significance of their findings.

    At the outset, it should be noted that as an Egyptologist I am not in a position to comment on the genetic analysis in this paper.

    l. 62: small points. The word is Geʽez with the apostrophe facing the other direction (this is a different sound). The other point is that the Monumentum Adulitanum was written in Greek and I know of no scholar that suggests it was written in Ge'ez. There Aksumite stele like this one which have parallel Greek and Ge'ez scripts, but Cosmas did not copy any Ge'ez text nor mention one in his account as far as I am aware. One may have existed but I would just mention the Greek in this text as a Ge'ez is unknowable.

    L. 126: Usually put the percentage after the date range for calibrated dates.

    L. 408. "Gawasis".

    L. 409: perhaps change slightly as what you describe below shows that Egyptians did go to Punt. i.e. "there are only scant and disconnected records of Egyptians in Punt" or alike.

    L. 436: While the Defenneh Stele is the last expedition text to mention Punt, there are plenty of references to Punt in Greco-Roman religious texts. Perhaps say "span that coincides with the last known expeditionary records for Punt voyages" (or alike).

    L. 442: More of an optional thing to mention; a few scholars (Conti Rossini; de Romanis) have tried to connect one of the Puntite toponyms in the topographical lists with Adulis, but the phonetics for this equation are far from certain and probably incorrect, see Cooper, Toponymy on the Periphery, 346.

    Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

    1) My only real technical suggestion is that at least for the mummified baboon, the authors assess and report contamination by looking at mismatch in the mapped mitochondrial reads (particularly at sites known to vary between clades). The concern would be contamination from other baboon samples during either archaeological handling or in the lab.

    2) I suggest making it clearer in the abstract that the link to Adulis is quite speculative and that the possible geographic area is not just Eritria but extends well into present-day Sudan and Ethiopia.

    3) If I understand correctly the authors do have nuclear data from the shotgun sequencing. I understand it's very low coverage and they might not want to analyze it, but I just want to make sure that they are releasing it freely in case others want to.

    Author response

    Essential revisions:

    The main points for revision concern:

    1) clarifying the geographic range attributed in the abstract (and throughout the article) for the provenance of the mummified baboon. Please check/ clarify that Adulis port is inferred from historical accounts and location is more generally coastal Eritrea/eastern Sudan.

    2) provide DNA contamination estimates based on the mismatch between reads and the consensus sequence for the historical baboon samples as well for the mummified one. It was also recommended that contamination estimates be restricted to transversions for the mummified baboon. (see Reviewer #2's comments for further clarification).

    We thank the editors and reviewers for their thoughtful comments and suggestions, we have addressed all recommendations to improve our manuscript. We also slightly changed the structure of the manuscript following the comments of the editorial support. In particular, we have (1) edited the text to more clearly mirror the uncertainty in the geographical assignment of the mummified baboon (#Rev2.2) and (2) included an additional analysis to estimate contamination in the mummified sample based on mismatches between reads and the consensus sequence in comparison to the historical samples (#Rev2.1). Please find our detailed responses to the reviewers' recommendations below.

    Reviewer #1 (Recommendations for the authors):

    I congratulate the authors on this study, this is a solid argument for connecting the Egyptian baboon trade with Eritrea and the authors are able to link this convincingly with the wider Punt debate. The language is carefully worded and provides an accurate assessment of the significance of their findings.

    At the outset, it should be noted that as an Egyptologist I am not in a position to comment on the genetic analysis in this paper.

    l. 62: small points. The word is Geʽez with the apostrophe facing the other direction (this is a different sound). The other point is that the Monumentum Adulitanum was written in Greek and I know of no scholar that suggests it was written in Ge'ez. There Aksumite stele like this one which have parallel Greek and Ge'ez scripts, but Cosmas did not copy any Ge'ez text nor mention one in his account as far as I am aware. One may have existed but I would just mention the Greek in this text as a Ge'ez is unknowable.

    We thank Dr. Cooper for catching this error. It has been corrected. (L.65)

    L. 126: Usually put the percentage after the date range for calibrated dates.

    We thank Dr. Cooper for catching this lapse. The sentence has been edited to the following:

    "L. 125-127: Now accessioned in the Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France, the linen wrapping of one mummified individual (MHNL 90001206) was dated radiometrically to 803-544 cal. BC (95.4%) (Richardin et al., 2017)."

    L. 408. "Gawasis".

    We thank Dr. Cooper for catching this typographical error. It has been corrected (L.467).

    L. 409: perhaps change slightly as what you describe below shows that Egyptians did go to Punt. i.e. "there are only scant and disconnected records of Egyptians in Punt" or alike.

    Agreed, the sentence has been edited to the following:

    "L.467-470: Discovered at Mersa Gawasis, a Middle Kingdom harbour, these artifacts appear to align the prehistory of Adulis with the fabled Land of Punt (Bard & Fattovich, 2018; Manzo, 2010, 2012), an enigmatic toponym scattered across scant and disconnected records (Cooper, 2020)."

    L. 436: While the Defenneh Stele is the last expedition text to mention Punt, there are plenty of references to Punt in Greco-Roman religious texts. Perhaps say "span that coincides with the last known expeditionary records for Punt voyages" (or alike).

    Agreed, the sentence has been edited to the following:

    "L.493-495. Here, we used aDNA to show that at least one baboon from the 25th Dynasty or Late Period of Egyptian history––a span that coincides with the last known expeditions to Punt, but predates Greco-Roman accounts of Adulis as a source of baboons––can be traced to Eritrea."

    L. 442: More of an optional thing to mention; a few scholars (Conti Rossini; de Romanis) have tried to connect one of the Puntite toponyms in the topographical lists with Adulis, but the phonetics for this equation are far from certain and probably incorrect, see Cooper, Toponymy on the Periphery, 346.

    We appreciate this suggestion, and we agree with Cooper's assessment, but we would rather not wade into this tangential topic.

    Reviewer #2 (Recommendations for the authors):

    1) My only real technical suggestion is that at least for the mummified baboon, the authors assess and report contamination by looking at mismatch in the mapped mitochondrial reads (particularly at sites known to vary between clades). The concern would be contamination from other baboon samples during either archaeological handling or in the lab.

    We thank you for this suggestion and added the assessment. We included a figure, which shows the (mis)matches of the mapped reads from the mummified baboon at sites in the mitogenome that (i) are distinct (fixed differences) between north-eastern subclades (125 sites), and (ii) are fixed in subclade G3-Y (when considering all samples but the mummified baboon) but differ in the consensus sequence of the mummified baboon (37 sites). These results show that mapped reads agree to a very large degree ((i) median 99.2%, IQR 1.6%; (ii) median 97.3%, IQR 3.1%) and there is no evidence for significant amounts of contamination. We changed the respective parts in the methods, results, discussion, and supplement accordingly:

    Methods L. 604-607: "We assessed contamination by checking mismatches of the mapped reads from the mummified sample at sites in the mitogenome that (i) are distinct between north-eastern subclades (125 fixed differences), and (ii) are fixed in subclade G3-Y (considering all samples but the mummified baboon) but differ in the consensus sequence of the mummified sample (37 sites)."

    Results L. 327-342: "Mapped reads of the mummified sample agreed to median of 99.2% (IQR 1.6%) when focussing on the 125 sites that exhibited fixed differences between subclades and differed at three sites from the variant found in its subclade (Figure 7a). When focussing on the 37 sites that are fixed in the subclade of attribution of the mummified baboon but differed in its consensus sequence, mapped reads agreed to a median of 97.3% (IQR 3.1%) (Figure 7b)."

    Discussion L411-413: "The very low frequency of mismatches in the mapped reads from the mummified sample and its unique sequence are further evidence against the concern of contamination from other baboon samples."

    2) I suggest making it clearer in the abstract that the link to Adulis is quite speculative and that the possible geographic area is not just Eritria but extends well into present-day Sudan and Ethiopia.

    We agree, and we have edited the abstract carefully, including Ethiopia and using the words "corroborates" and "pointing toward" to express uncertainty:

    "L. 42-46: Phylogenetic assignment connects the mummified baboon to modern populations of Papio hamadryas in Eritrea, Ethiopia, and eastern Sudan. This result, assuming geographical stability of phylogenetic clades, corroborates Greco-Roman historiographies by pointing toward present-day Eritrea, and by extension Adulis, as a source of baboons for Late Period Egyptians."

    3) If I understand correctly the authors do have nuclear data from the shotgun sequencing. I understand it's very low coverage and they might not want to analyze it, but I just want to make sure that they are releasing it freely in case others want to.

    We agree, and we have made all raw data (including shotgun sequencing reads) openly available in public repositories: European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), project accession no. PRJEB60261. See L.638-642 "Data access".

    Article and author information

    Author details

    1. Franziska Grathwol

      Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
      Data curation, Formal analysis, Investigation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Project administration
      Competing interests
      No competing interests declared
    2. Christian Roos

      Gene Bank of Primates and Primate Genetics Laboratory, German Primate Center, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Göttingen, Germany
      Resources, Data curation, Supervision, Methodology, Writing - review and editing
      Competing interests
      No competing interests declared
      ORCID icon
  • Dietmar Zinner

    1. Cognitive Ethology Laboratory, German Primate Center, Leibniz Institute for Primate Research, Göttingen, Germany
    2. Department of Primate Cognition, Georg-August-University of Göttingen, Göttingen, Germany
    3. Leibniz-ScienceCampus Primate Cognition, Göttingen, Germany
    Data curation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon
  • Benjamin Hume

    1. Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    2. SequAna – Sequencing Analysis Core Facility, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    Software, Formal analysis, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Stéphanie M Porcier

    Laboratoire CNRS ASM « Archéologie des Sociétés Méditerranéennes » (UMR 5140), Université Paul-Valéry, LabEx Archimede, Montpellier, France
    Resources, Data curation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Didier Berthet

    Musée des Confluences, Lyon, France
    Resources, Data curation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Jacques Cuisin

    Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France
    Resources, Data curation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Stefan Merker

    Department of Zoology, State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
    Resources, Data curation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Claudio Ottoni

    Centre of Molecular Anthropology for Ancient DNA Studies, Department of Biology, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
    Resources, Formal analysis, Methodology, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
  • Wim Van Neer

    1. Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Brussels, Belgium
    2. Department of Biology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
    Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon
  • Nathaniel J Dominy

    1. Departments of Anthropology and Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, United States
    2. Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    Conceptualization, Investigation, Writing - review and editing
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon
  • Gisela H Kopp

    1. Department of Biology, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    2. Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    3. Department of Migration, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, Konstanz, Germany
    4. Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
    Conceptualization, Resources, Data curation, Software, Formal analysis, Supervision, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Visualization, Methodology, Writing - original draft, Project administration, Writing - review and editing
    For correspondence
    Competing interests
    No competing interests declared
    ORCID icon


    Universität Konstanz (Young Scholar Fund)

    • Gisela H Kopp

    Universität Konstanz (Zukunftskolleg)

    • Nathaniel J Dominy
    • Gisela H Kopp

    Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (Open Access Fund)

    • Gisela H Kopp

    Hector Stiftung II (Hector Pioneer Fellowship)

    • Gisela H Kopp

    Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina - Nationale Akademie der Wissenschaften (Die Junge Akademie)

    • Gisela H Kopp

    Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments)

    • Benjamin Hume
    • Gisela H Kopp

    Ministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst Baden-Württemberg (bwHPC)

    • Franziska Grathwol
    • Benjamin Hume
    • Gisela H Kopp

    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (INST 37/935- 1 FUGG)

    • Franziska Grathwol
    • Benjamin Hume
    • Gisela H Kopp

    Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR-11-LABX-0032-01)

    • Stéphanie M Porcier

    Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Centre of Excellence 2117 "Centre for the Advanced Study of Collective Behaviour" ID: 422037984)

    • Gisela H Kopp

    The funders had no role in study design, data collection and interpretation, or the decision to submit the work for publication. Open access funding provided by Max Planck Society.


    We thank Frieder Mayer and Christiane Funk from MfN Berlin for sharing baboon samples with us for genetic analyses. We thank Christiane Schwarz for assistance in DNA extraction and library preparation and Bernd Timmermann and Stefan Börno for advice and facilitation of sequencing. We are grateful to Salima Ikram and Julien Cooper for energizing discussion on the topics of Egyptian mummification and toponyms, and thank Laura Epp for advice on aDNA analyses. Research carried out on the mummies curated at the Musée des Confluences (Lyon, France) is supported by the SIMoS Program funded by LabEx ARCHIMEDE from 'Investir L'Avenir' program ANR-11-LABX-0032-01 to SP. We acknowledge the Service des Musées de France, Mme Dominique Dupuis-Labbé and the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication (France) for their ongoing support to the research carried out on the mummies. We acknowledge the support by the High Performance and Cloud Computing Group at the Zentrum für Datenverarbeitung of the University of Tübingen, the state of Baden-Württemberg through bwHPC and the German Research Foundation (DFG) through grant no INST 37/935-1 FUGG. We acknowledge the University of Konstanz Sequencing Analysis (SequAna) Core Facility for bioinformatic assistance. This study was funded by the Young Scholar Fund and the Zukunftskolleg, University of Konstanz (funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments), and the Junge Akademie at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities and the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina. NJD received support through a Senior Fellowship at the Zukunftskolleg, GHK was supported by the Hector Pioneer Fellowship of Hector Stiftung II and the Zukunftskolleg. Some of the views in this paper were developed during a workshop titled, "Animating Ancient Trade Routes Through Primate Lifeways," funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation and Zukunftskolleg. Finally, we thank the handling editors, Julien Cooper, and an anonymous reviewer for their thoughtful suggestions.

    Senior Editor

    1. Christian Rutz, University of St Andrews, United Kingdom

    Reviewing Editor

    1. Ammie K Kalan, University of Victoria, Canada


    1. Julien Cooper, Macquarie University, Australia

    Version history

    1. Preprint posted: March 1, 2023 (view preprint)
    2. Received: March 7, 2023
    3. Accepted: September 27, 2023
    4. Accepted Manuscript published: September 28, 2023 (version 1)
    5. Version of Record published: October 24, 2023 (version 2)


    © 2023, Grathwol et al.

    This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use and redistribution provided that the original author and source are credited.


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    Further reading

      1. Ecology
      Blanca Jimeno, Simon Verhulst
      Research Article

      Glucocorticoid (GC) variation has long been thought to reflect variation in organismal 'stress,' but associations between GCs and Darwinian fitness components are diverse in magnitude, direction, and highly context-dependent. This paradox reveals our poor understanding of the causes of GC variation, contrasting with the detailed knowledge of the functional consequences of GC variation. Amongst an array of effects in many physiological systems, GCs orchestrate energy availability to anticipate and recover from predictable and unpredictable environmental fluctuations and challenges. Although this is mechanistically well-known, the extent to which GC levels are quantitatively explained by energy metabolism is unresolved. We investigated this association through meta-analysis, selecting studies of endotherms in which (1) an experiment was performed that affected metabolic rate and (2) metabolic rate and GC levels were measured simultaneously. We found that an increase in metabolic rate was associated with an increase in GC levels in 20 out of 21 studies (32 out of 35 effect sizes). More importantly, there was a strong positive correlation between the increases in metabolic rate and GCs (p=0.003). This pattern was similar in birds and mammals, and independent of the nature of the experimental treatment. We conclude that metabolic rate is a major driver of GC variation within individuals. Stressors often affect metabolic rate, leading us to question whether GC levels provide information on 'stress' beyond the stressor's effect on metabolic rate.

      1. Ecology
      Stefano Mammola, Martino Adamo ... Ricardo A Correia
      Research Article

      Knowledge of biodiversity is unevenly distributed across the Tree of Life. In the long run, such disparity in awareness unbalances our understanding of life on Earth, influencing policy decisions and the allocation of research and conservation funding. We investigated how humans accumulate knowledge of biodiversity by searching for consistent relationships between scientific (number of publications) and societal (number of views in Wikipedia) interest, and species-level morphological, ecological, and sociocultural factors. Across a random selection of 3019 species spanning 29 Phyla/Divisions, we show that sociocultural factors are the most important correlates of scientific and societal interest in biodiversity, including the fact that a species is useful or harmful to humans, has a common name, and is listed in the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List. Furthermore, large-bodied, broadly distributed, and taxonomically unique species receive more scientific and societal attention, whereas colorfulness and phylogenetic proximity to humans correlate exclusively with societal attention. These results highlight a favoritism toward limited branches of the Tree of Life, and that scientific and societal priorities in biodiversity research broadly align. This suggests that we may be missing out on key species in our research and conservation agenda simply because they are not on our cultural radar.

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