Due to circumstances beyond our control, the usual Holiday Souk
will not occur, but Northern California ARCE's cookie bakers have
been busy this holiday season. Get your limited-edition shabti and William cookies and ornaments at the Dec. 9 meeting,
then listen to a fine lecture on the "Deified Dead in the Pyramid
The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Near Eastern Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a lecture by Dr. Julia Troche, Assistant Professor of Ancient History, Missouri State University Deified Dead in the Pyramid Age Sunday, December 9, 3 pm Room 20 Barrows Hall UC Berkeley Campus Holiday cookie sale and book auction begins at 2 p.m. (Near the intersection of Bancroft Way and Barrow Lane) The Egyptian Pyramid Texts inform us that the dead in ancient Egypt “did not go away dead, but went away alive.” That is, despite the demise of their bodies, the dead lived on as (perceived) active members of social systems. These transfigured dead (known as akh) could cross realms to engage the living, the gods, and the supernatural entities of the Egyptian divine Hereafter. It is against this backdrop of “normal” mortuary practices that the speaker has searched for abnormal and exceptional instances in which the dead were venerated, and in some cases worshipped as gods. These exceptional, and often enigmatic, cases of deified dead are the focus of her current book project, and the topic of this talk. About the Speaker: ---------- Parking is available in U.C. lots after 5 p.m. on weekdays and all day on weekends for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept either $5 bills or $1 bills, and debit or credit cards. The Underhill lot can be entered from Channing way off College Avenue. Parking is also available in lots along Bancroft, and on the circle drive in front of the Valley Life Sciences building. A map of the campus is available online at http://www.berkeley.edu/map/ For more information about Egyptology events, go to http://www.facebook.com/NorthernCaliforniaARCE or https://www.arce-nc.org. |
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