Egyptologists Discover Pits Filled With Giant Severed Hands in "Joseph's Palace"
"David gave orders to the young men, who killed them; they cut off their hands and feet and hung them up by the pool in Chevron. And they took the head of Ish-boshet and buried it in the grave of Avner at Chevron." II Samuel 4:12 (The Israel Bible™)

The pit of severed hands uncovered at Avaris, Egypt. (Australian Archaeological Institute/Excavation Report)
A creepy find by egyptologists of a pit full of ancient severed hands confirms a theory about a disturbing ancient Egyptian practice. The find connects fleetingly with the Bible, appearing in what some believe to be the throne room of Biblical Joseph.
Egyptologists discovered 16 severed hands in the grounds surrounding buried in four pits in an ancient palace in Avaris, Egypt. The scientists estimated the hands had been separated from their rightful owners approximately 3,600 years ago. All were right hands and remarkably large.
The find was indeed gruesome but not entirely surprising for the egyptologists, as it confirmed their belief that soldiers would cut off the hands of defeated enemies and present them to noblemen in return for a gold bounty. Hieroglyphics have been discovered depicting this practice.
"You deprive him of his power eternally," head archaeologist Austrian Manfred Bietak explained of the practice in an interview with Archaeology News Network . "Our evidence is the earliest evidence and the only physical evidence at all. Each pit represents a ceremony."
"Most of the hands are quite large and some of them are very large," Bietak told LiveScience.
Two of the pits, each containing one hand, are in what researchers believe is a throne room of a palace at Avaris.
According to Bietak, the palace is believed to have belonged to King Khayan of the Hyksos, a foreign semitic-speaking nation that invaded Egypt in 1650 BCE and ruled for a short time. It is believed the Hyksos originated in Canaan or Syria.
There are other theories explaining the origin of the Hyksos and the palace discovered at Avaris. In his documentary Patterns of Evidence, Tim Mahoney suggested that the palace may have belonged to Biblical Joseph and that Avaris was the home of the Hebrews during their sojourn in Egypt.
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