Middle Kingdom Theban Project. Documentation and publication of late Eleventh Dynasty and Middle Kingdom tombs at Thebes. The goal of the MKTP is the study and categorization of each tomb and its owner, based on its location, architecture, and decorative/textual programs as well as on the titles and position of the official. Ipi (TT315) was steward, archive scribe, treasurer, and vizier. Henenu (TT313) was royal seal bearer, steward. Harhotep (CG28023) was also royal seal bearer and supervisor of the treasure. The publication of these tombs and their associated individuals and remains...
The second, updated exhibition booklet from 'Shabtis: Suspended Truth' by Syrian sculptor, Zahed Taj-Eddin at Manchester Museum from April 2017 - April 2018. Edited by Leah Acheson Roberts (Honorary Academic Curator at Manchester Museum). Published by Manchester Museum with support from Syria Relief
From Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 99 (2013) 295-300
A re-examination of the role of the Overseer of Upper Egypt during the Old Kingdom.
The present study investigates questions of religious syncretism and household cult through an interdisciplinary study of terracotta figurines of Egyptian deities found at Delos, an important Hellenistic Greek port of trade. A comparison of the figurines' iconography to parallels in Egyptian religious texts, temple reliefs, and ritual objects reveals that many of the figurines depict deities or rituals associated with the festival of the Inundation. Furthermore, an analysis of the figurines' clay fabrics and manufacturing techniques suggests that the vast majority of the Egyptianizing...
Arbeits- & Forschungsbibliographie «Bibel+Orient» für Seminare, Kurse und Veranstaltungen Diese Auswahlbibliographie bietet in alphabetischer Reihenfolge mehr als 6 600 wesentliche Veröffentlichungen zum Themenbereich «Bibel+Orient». Sie erleichtert das Konsultieren der in Veranstaltungen angegeben Kurzreferenzen und bietet als grundlegendes Arbeitsmittel Einblick in die einschlägige Sekundärliteratur. Nicht für jeden Forscher gilt «Ich habe keine Biographie – nur eine Bibliographie» (Y. Kaufmann). Dennoch: Jede Bibliographie kann eine Horizonterweiterung darstellen. Denn eine...
La nécropole de Pépy Ier est aujourd'hui connue essentiellement pour les complexes funéraires du roi et des reines de la VIe dynastie. Pourtant, de nombreux particuliers sont venus là pratiquer leurs dévotions et, pour certains, s'y faire inhumer, constituant ainsi ce qui apparaît comme un véritable lieu de mémoire. Trois grandes phases se distinguent, qui témoignent de l'évolution de cette nécropole royale, dans sa perception et son occupation. L'Ancien et le Moyen Empires se caractérisent par une continuité de l'activité rituelle dans le temple. Ensuite, jusqu'au Nouvel Empire au...
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