| | | The Materiality of Textual Amulets in Ancient Egypt This article traces the long history of textual amulets in ancient Egypt. Their origin and subsequent developments are reconstructed through a study of the materials used for their production and a close reading of the instructions contained in formularies for fashioning such amulets. A typology for textual amulets made of papyrus, which is based on physical and formal characteristics of the preserved artifacts, is presented. | | Tacitus and the Persecution of the Christians: An Invention of Tradition?, Eirene 53 (2017), 299-331 Tacitus' description of Nero's punishment of Christians for the Great Fire of Rome in AD 64 has made a great impact on later understandings of Christian history. However, several questions have been raised concerning the accuracy of this account, and recently the historicity of a persecution of Christians un- der Nero has been denied altogether by Brent Shaw. This article discusses the most important objections and tries to achieve a better understanding of the events by combining an analysis of the narrative functions of this persecution in Tacitus with a new consideration of the earliest... | | A Very Brief Introduction to Hieratic This document was developed as an aid for graduate students beginning instruction in the ancient Egyptian Hieratic script. It assumes that the student possesses a working knowledge of Egyptian grammar and the Hieroglyphic script. Several concise sign lists, adapted from the standard palaeographic manual of Georg Möller, organize phonetic signs by function (i.e., mono-, bi-, and tri-literals) and phonetic order, as a means of streamlining the process of identifying potential or suspected sign values. In addition, the document provides brief overviews to some of the common challenges that... | | ZERO ARTICLE, BARE NOUN, ABSOLUTIVE CASE zero article, bare noun, absolutive case in Accadian, Berber, East Cushitic, French, Celtic languages, Basque, Old Nubian, Late Egyptian, Coptic. | | | |
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