"In 1862 a victory stele of the Kushite ruler Piankhy was unearthed during excavations of Gebel Barkal, near the fourth cataract of the Nile. The text records in 159 lines covering all four sides of the stela the conquest of Egypt by the Kushite king about c. 734 B.C., Piankhy's 20th regnal year. The text is one of the most elaborated texts in Egyptian language describing Egyptian siege warfare and pitched battles. In his 20th regnal year Piankhy was in control of Upper Egypt with an army stationed there. Nimlot, the King of Hermopolis (Middle Egypt), had been subjugated to Piankhy....
The article is a preliminary report on an assemblage of copper vessels found in the Sixth Dynasty tomb of the official Inti at the Abusir South cemetery (towards the end of the period of ca. 2305–2118 BC). The most important assemblage of full-size and miniaturized copper vessels comes from Shaft Aof the complex with the burial of Inti Pepyankh, probably a relative or a client of Inti. The vessels contained a written reference to the ritual of funerary repast (pr.t-xrw), and their role in the ritual is explored in the article. The assemblage from this tomb is studied also from the point of...
The so-called philosophical Hermetica were written down in Egypt in the second to third centuries. They are concerned with philosophical and spiritual teachings about how to find salvation through the attainment of suprarational knowledge (gnosis). Western intellectuals during the Middle Ages had access only to the Latin Asclepius, and the core teachings of this tradition were no longer understood. They became available again during the second half of the fifteenth century, when manuscripts of the Corpus Hermeticum reached Italy from Byzantium and were translated into Latin by Marsilio...
Recent studies of ancient Egyptian palatial architecture and literary references to the palace have demonstrated that these buildings functioned as a microcosm for the divinely created universe. Yet details about which specific environments within the universe the palace was meant to replicate are scarce. Instead, one must turn to the mechanism that was mostly responsible for transforming these simple mudbrick buildings into complex mythological spaces: the words and images that adorned almost every surface. The walls, floors and ceilings of the royal palaces of the Egyptian New Kingdom...
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