-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | [EEF] J. of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections reports fascicle 2015 |
Date: | Tue, 8 Sep 2015 22:43:01 +0200 |
From: | A.K. Eyma |
-------Forwarded Message-------- From: J. of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections <JAEI@egypt.arizona.edu> Dear Colleagues, The editors of the *Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections* invite your participation in an upcoming fascicle of the JAEI, to be published *December 2015*. The last fascicle of the year in JAEI includes short notes, studies, and research updates based on current work pertaining to interconnections between ancient Egypt and its neighbors. These short contributions are intended to provide "news" of what is being worked on, where, and by whom. Anything that will help those working in the area of ancient Egyptian interconnections stay updated is welcome. Submissions may encompass relevant research of any type: fieldwork (such as surveys and archaeological excavations, interesting finds on sites from Egypt or abroad [e.g., foreign vessels]), or other types of studies (linguistic, art historical, museum collections, etc.). The editors invite preliminary reports, updates, or summaries of ongoing research, as well as announcements of pertinent symposia, conferences, and publications, and similar communications. Contributions should not exceed 1,000 words (including references, if any) and may include up to three images or figures. All manuscripts that appear in the journal are peer reviewed. Please send your contribution (in English, French, German or Italian) by *15 October 2015* to <JAEI@egypt.arizona.edu>. If in a language other than English, please provide an English summary (100 words, in addition to the primary text). Otherwise, abstracts are not required for short reports, research updates, and similar. Other matters of style are addressed here: <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__journals.uair.arizona.edu_index.php_jaei_article_view_18023_17759&d=AwICaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=x5cfC9m3rVyVETkw_kpltmvfw0MquV-ocYzheVN2hss&s=QrF7coOVO4wU0v6gRAKPlqu3g__7_-1u6isabHAH2Sw&e= > On behalf of the editors, Pearce Paul Creasman Editor, JAEI <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__journals.uair.arizona.edu_index.php_jaei&d=AwICaQ&c=-dg2m7zWuuDZ0MUcV7Sdqw&r=opcsBFeNOGibikhitrWp_vvUpAwW-hA4UeIW8Ekh45I&m=x5cfC9m3rVyVETkw_kpltmvfw0MquV-ocYzheVN2hss&s=Gu3I5x4_uiitlnpAsZELpBIxttaD3caAM5Of_g6rI2E&e= >
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