Biannual solar alignment phenomenon observed at Hibis temple Sunday morning
CAIRO: The sun alignment phenomenon was observed Sunday morning at Egypt’s 2,500 year-old temple of Hibis in Kharga Oasis.
At 5:46 a.m., the sun passed on the sanctuary of the temple and the extreme western wall of the temple in a scene described as “breathtaking,” assistant professor at 6 October’s Faculty of Engineering Ahmed Awad told Youm7 Sunday, adding that the phenomenon lasted for about five minutes.
“The Hibis temple, the largest and most well preserved temple in the Kharga Oasis, was built and aligned in such a way that the sun’s rays fall perpendicularly to illuminate the holy of the holies; the temples most inner part twice a year,” said Awad.
The rare astronomical and engineering phenomenon happens on September 6 and April 7, Awad said, adding that the significance of the two dates remains unknown but it might have synchronized with the religious ceremonies that were part of the major feasts of God Amun-Ra.
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