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Monday, June 1, 2015

The Mummy Returns! | Garstang Museum of Archaeology

The Mummy Returns!

The Garstang Mummy in his new home

Over the past few months we have been busy arranging the move of the ‘Garstang mummy’ to a new climate controlled display case in the museum. The mummy, which dates to c.1000BC was brought back to England with Professor John Garstang, with the base of the coffin of a roman woman.

Moving the Garstang Mummy from his home in Anatomy

A peaceful afterlife in the Institute of Archaeology was interrupted in 1941, when the Blitz struck Liverpool. Much of Liverpool was destroyed beyond recognition, including parts of the University. A bomb dropped on the Abercromby Square area damaged a number of buildings where the Sydney Jones Library now stands. The artifacts held within the collection of the Institute were dispersed, with some even being kept at the house of Professor Garstang. Our mummy was evacuated to the Department of Anatomy.

However, he was in safe hands. After the war, the Department of Anatomy was at the forefront of the scientific examination of mummified remains. In 1968 Professor Ronald Harrison performed the first x-ray of the mummy of King Tutankhamun. Professor Harrison and his then post-doctoral student Dr Bob Connolly, went on to examine a great number of mummies.

All wrapped up and ready to move. The blue cover is designed for patients in a CT scanner (keeping them completely still).

While investigating the mummy of Tutankhamun, the Garstang mymmt was used for trials of new techniques, before they were performed on royal mummies. Thanks to the work of the Department of Anatomy we know a lot about him; he was in his late 20s when he died, though the cause of death is unknown. He lived well, which is reflected in the good condition of his teetth: often the poor of ancient Egypt had worse teeth due to a higher quantity of sand in their bread.

The Curator Gina and Assistant Curator Dan ready to move the Garstang Mummy into his new case.

Following the Blitz, the Garstang mummy spent the next 74 years in the Department of anatomy. He was on display within their Departmental museum for a short time. However, with the redevelopment of the Garstang Museum it was agreed that he would return to the museum, to be housed in the funerary gallery. A grant was secure, to purchase a custom-made climate controlled display case, thanks to the generosity of the ‘Friends of the University of Liverpool’.

Making the final adjustments

We would also like to thank National Museums Liverpool, Victoria Gallery and Museum and the Institute of Ageing and Chronic Disease, for all their help in making this project a reality.


Dr Bob Connolly reunited with the Garstang Mummy. we have Bob to thank for much of the scientific information we have about the Garstang Mummy

LightNight at the Garstang Museum

Assistant Curator Dan explaining the history of the Garstang Mummy

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