| | | The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture 1, 2016 (full text) http://www.egyptian-architecture.com/JAEA1/Contents The Journal of Ancient Egyptian Architecture is a scientific, open access and annual periodical. Its purpose is to promote the publication of research devoted to Ancient Egyptian architecture (domestic, civil, military, ritual/religious and funerary), from the Predynastic Period to the Roman imperial era, whatever the modern geographical context (Egypt, Sudan, Near East, etc.). The subject scope includes everything relating to construction, regardless of its original importance or purpose. The journal publishes fieldwork reports and... | | Masons' Marks upon the Saddle Vault of the Upper Chamber in the Pyramid of Khufu, GM 245, 2015 In the Great pyramid of Giza, the « King's chamber » is covered with a complex system of five levels of granite shores and a huge limestone saddle vault in the upper most « relieving chamber » (the so-called « Campbell's chamber »). We don't know if this pointed ceiling is composed of one or more layers of butting beams as we can see in the pyramids of the 5th and 6th dynasties. Although this system which is unique in the Egyptian architecture has been described many times, no recent study came to refine the surveys carried out on the vault in the 19th century. At that time, one could still... | | (Heidelberg, 2018) No way? Wie die Alten Ägypter mit Eselkarawanen die Sahara durchquerten Die Regionen jenseits der Oasen der ägyptischen Westwüste galten lange Zeit als terra incognita für die Alten Ägypter – und waren es damit gleichermaßen für die Ägyptologen. Unüberwindlich schienen – im Unterschied zur ägyptischen Ostwüste und der relativ geringen Distanz vom Nil zum Roten Meer – die endlosen Weiten der Libyschen Wüste oder Ost-Sahara, zumal in Zeiten, in denen das Kamel als Karawanenlasttier noch nicht zur Verfügung stand. Dass pharaonische Handelskontakte nach Süden in Richtung Innerafrika dennoch, und zwar schon im späten 3. Jahrtausend v. Chr., nicht nur am Nil entlang,... | | ḫftj nṯr as Euphemism: The Case of the Antef Decree The decree of Nubkheperre-Antef in the temple of Coptos is re-examined in relation to parallel texts from other periods. A new interpretation of the bftj(w) nir, identified as a euphemism by Georges Posener, as a sacrificial animal is proposed. | | KV62 The Last Coffin Article from Ancient Egypt magazine on the inner coffin of Tutankhamun from KV62. | | Expert Round Table: Academic Freedom, Gender and Democracy, 16Nov 2018 Prague Anglo-American University in cooperation with the Institute of International Relations invites you to join us in a roundtable featuring Andrea Petó, Professor in the Department of Gender Studies at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary to discuss the role of gender studies in education and research as well as the importance of an academic freedom for the functioning of democratic societies. Why: In October 2018, the Hungarian government issued a decree prohibiting gender studies courses in all universities across the country. Vast national and international protests and petitions... | | | Academia, 580 California St., Suite 400, San Francisco, CA, 94104 Unsubscribe Privacy Policy Terms of Service © 2018 Academia | |
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