Lost treasures of Egypt uncovered in new Nat Geo series

National Geographic Abu Dhabi will air its 'Egypt Specials' series, which uncovers monumental lost treasures, mysteries, stories and artifacts of Pharaonic Egypt.
The four-hour special programming National Geographic series use world-renowned archaeologists, forensic specialists and drone technology to deep dive into Egypt's ancient realms, while capturing the history, monuments and culture of Egypt from a fresh, new, aerial angle.
'Egypt Specials' films premiere on National Geographic Abu Dhabi on August 8, 2019 at 11:00pm UAE time/ 10:00pm KSA time.
'Egypt's Sun King: Secrets & Treasures', a two-part 60-minute film, delves into ancient Egypt, as archaeologists embark on breathtaking adventures which lead them to shocking discoveries, such as uncovering the first tomb to accommodate a body since Tutankhamun's tomb discovery.
Their adventures continue as they arrive at a tomb containing over 30 mummies. Detectives attempt to uncover more about the identity of these mummies, and the mystery behind their presence in these tombs.
'Egypt from Above', a two-part 44-minute film offers a new look into Egypt's ancient structures in a gripping bird's eye view using an aerial drone. Viewers are transported over the pyramids and the Sphinx, down to a deep dive into the ocean and all the way to Egypt's proposed new capital East of Cairo, passing through pigeon breeding competitions.
The series continues in September with three more films.
'Ultimate Tutankhamun', features a group of world-renowned archaeologists, who plunge deep into ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun's death using modern technology in a thrilling forensic investigation.
'Saving Egypt's Oldest Pyramids' puts the Step Pyramid of Saqqara into perspective, as it showcases the pyramid's resilient history of surviving earthquakes and erosion and experiencing successive ravaging by groups of looters throughout the years. Experts attempt to restore what was lost in order to maintain the precious pyramid and preserve its valuable treasures.
'The Egyptian Job' details the empty burial chamber of ancient Egyptian King Amenemhat III. Four experts reopen this case in a harrowing investigation of the whereabouts of the missing contents of the burial chamber. 'Time Scanners - Egyptian Pyramids' explains the rich history and significance of how the pyramids evolved from being simple mud-brick structures into one of the most impressive wonders of the ancient world.
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