Feiran Oasis in pics: The holy pearl of Sinai
Thu, Jun. 15, 2017
The holiness of the oasis, which lies in Wadi Feiran valley, comes from the fact that it used to be the biggest and most important stronghold of Christianity in Sinai before moving to St. Catherine City, also in South Sinai, where the famous St. Catherine Monastery is located.

The road to Feira Oasis – Amr Abd El-Wahab
It hosts Elbanat Monastery, Nabi Mousa and Bishop Damianos churches, and people used to make pilgrimages to the area. It also includes Roman relics.
Although it is a very narrow oasis with a width of less than half a kilometer, it is stretched over five kilometers. Around 60 kilometers north of St. Catherine, a road trip through the mountains will take you to the Feiran Oasis.

In Feiran Oasis – Amr Abd El-Wahab
Although farms in South Sinai mostly depend on wells filled by rainwater between the mountains, Feiran Oasis has its own wells that not only water palm trees, but also other crops and plants in the oasis.

Church of St. Cosmas in Wadi Feiran – Tour Egypt
Bedouin camps and gardens welcome travelers arriving at Feiran Oasis for tea and refreshing natural water. Local farmers raise goats, sheep and honeybees.
Surrounded by huge, colorful mountains, Feiran Oasis is one of the places you will never leave with the same spirit with which you arrived.

Wadi Feiran Monastery of the Seven Sisters bedawi –

Feiran Oasis surrounded by mountains – Amr Abd El-Wahab

Feiran Oasis – Amr Abd El-Wahab

A view of the road to Feiran Oasis – Amr Abd El-Wahab

Palm trees in Feiran Oasis – Amr Abd El-Wahab
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