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Tuesday, June 13, 2017

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: The ancient-egyptian necropolis of Assiut
On 06/12/2017 04:11 AM, Charles Jones wrote:
The ancient-egyptian necropolis of Assiut The ancient-egyptian necropolis of Assiut
1The First Intermediate Period tombs at Asyut revisited El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Kahl, Jochem ; Engel, Eva-Maria 2004
2, 32, 44The Asyut project: fieldwork season 2004 El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Kahl, Jochem ; Verhoeven, Ursula 2005
3, 45, 33"Dornröschen" Assiut: Erste Ergebnisse einer Deutsch-Ägyptischen Grabungskooperation Kahl, Jochem ; El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Verhoeven, Ursula 2005
4, 46, 34The Asyut project: third season of fieldwork (2005) El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Kahl, Jochem ; Verhoeven, Ursula 2006
5, 48Ein Zeugnis altägyptischer Schulausflüge Kahl, Jochem 2006
6New discoveries in the tomb of Khety II at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2006
7The Northern Soldiers-Tomb at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2006
8, 51, 39The Asyut project: fourth season of fieldwork (2006) El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Kahl, Jochem ; Verhoeven, Ursula 2007
9The shrine of the rock-cut chapel of Djefaihapi I at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2007
10Fishing, fowling and animal-handling in the tomb of Djefaihapi I at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2007
11Some significant features in the decoration of the chapel of Iti-ibi-iqer at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2007
12, 53Die Determinative der Hereret in Assiut, oder: Von der Notwendigkeit epigraphischen Arbeitens am Original Kahl, Jochem 2008
13, 55, 43The Asyut project: fifth season of fieldwork (2007) Kahl, Jochem ; El-Khadragy, Mahmoud ; Verhoeven, Ursula 2008
14The decoration of the rock-cut chapel of Khety II at Asyut El-Khadragy, Mahmoud 2008
16, 48Von der „Loyalistischen Lehre" zur „Lehre des Kairsu". Eine neue Textquelle in Assiut und deren Auswirkungen Verhoeven, Ursula 2009
17, 45Die wie Kraniche balzen. Männerphantasien zur Zeit Amenhoteps III. in Assiut Verhoeven, Ursula 2009
69, 26Regionale Milieus und die Macht des Staates im Alten Ägypten: Die Vergöttlichung der Gaufursten von Assiut Kahl, Jochem 2012

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