Unique artifact discovered in Tutankhamen's tomb
By: Mustafa Marie
Sun, Jan. 5, 2020
CAIRO - 5 January 2020: Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a new artifact at the tomb of Tutankhamen, as they were transporting some of the king's treasures from the tomb in Luxor to the Grand Egyptian Museum.
This discovery was announced in a documentary film titled "Secrets of the Valley of the Kings in Egypt" broadcast on the English Channel 5, according to the Express newspaper in the UK.
Tutankhamen is the last member of his ruling family at the end of the 19th Dynasty during the era of the New Kingdom. He inherited the reign of Egypt at the age of 9 and mysteriously died very young.

Howard Carter with the Golden King - Press photo
In 1922, Howard Carter discovered KV62 in the Valley of the Kings, the tomb of the Golden King that still remains a major achievement.
The British newspaper stated that in 1922, the British archaeologist Howard Carter found more than 5,000 artifacts, in the tomb of King Tut, all of which are expected to be displayed in the LE 700 million Grand Egyptian Museum.
The newspaper further clarified that 300 miles south of the city of Luxor, Eisa Zidan, an Egyptian archaeologist, tried to transport 122 artifacts from the tomb of King Tut to the Grand Egyptian Museum.
During the transportation process, the archaeological team discovered one of the original boxes that Howard Carter used to transport Tut's treasures from the grave, placed on the side of the storage pit. Inside the box, the archaeologists discovered a precious piece of Tutankhamen's belongings.
The newly discovered artifact is a piece of wood, which is believed to be part of a group of model ships Carter discovered in Tutankhamen's grave. The British newspaper explained that Tut's ships were placed in his tomb because Egyptians believed they will be used by the deceased to embark on the journey of the afterlife.
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