Min. of Antiquities' discoveries of 2019
By: Mustafa Marie
Sun, Dec. 22, 2019
CAIRO - 22 December 2019: The year 2019 was full of archaeological discoveries in various regions of Egypt. The number of discoveries reached about 19 important discoveries, celebrated inside and outside of Egypt.
In the following lines, ET sheds light on the numerous discoveries made during 2019:
Jan 15, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities operating in Bir Shaghala in the Dakhla Oasis succeeded in uncovering two ancient tombs from the Roman era.
Feb 1, 2019: The discovery of three wells, where a large number of mummies were buried in Tuna el-Gebel region in Minya Governorate during the excavations of the mission of the Ministry of Antiquities and the Research Center for Archaeological Studies at Minya University.
Feb 26, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities and the Swedish Lund University in the Gebel al-Silsilah region of Aswan discovered a workshop for the manufacture of architectural elements dating back to the era of the modern state.
March 28, 2019: The mission of the American University of New York in Abydos discovered the lobby of Ramses II Palace, attached to his temple in Abydos, along with the stones to inaugurate and establish the temple.
April 1, 2019: The Ministry of Antiquities mission in Quesna region, Menoufia discovered a limestone sarcophagus with a mummy and golden flakes.
April 5, 2019: A cemetery from the Ptolemaic period for a man and his wife containing human remains and a group of burials of birds and animals in Al-Diabat area, Sohag Governorate were uncovered.
April 13, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Saqqara discovered the tomb of the nobleman Khuwy, which dates back to the end of the Fifth Dynasty. It was chosen among the top 10 discoveries of 2019.
April 18, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Luxor discovered a cemetery in the area of Draa Abul Naja and two cemeteries in Al-Assasif region, dating back to the Ramesside era.
April 23, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities and the University of Milan, Italy, discovered a rocky cemetery dating back to the Greco-Roman era in the Aga Khan Cemetery area, western Aswan.
May 4, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities discovered a cemetery dating back to the Old Kingdom, with colorful coffins in the southeastern side of the Giza Pyramids monuments area.
June 28, 2019: The Ministry of Antiquities' mission discovered a rocky cemetery, south of the Pyramid of Senusret II, in Fayoum.
July 14, 2019: The Ministry of Antiquities discovered south of the Curved Pyramid in Dahshur a number of stone, pottery and wooden coffins with mummies inside.
October 10, 2019: The Egyptian Mission to the Western Valley of the Kings discovered a funerary furniture workshop.
October 19, 2019: The Ministry of Antiquities' mission in Al-Assasif, Luxor, discovered a cache of 30 coffins, kept in a great state of preservation and color, containing mummies for men, women, and children.
November 23, 2019: The mission of the Ministry of Antiquities in Saqqara discovered a large number of cat mummies, sacred animals, and goddess statues in the Bobcati district of Saqqara.
December 1, 2019: The Egyptian-German Mission in Al-Matareya discovered parts of royal statues and a large mud brick wall dating back to the era of the modern state.
December 10, 2019: The Egyptian Archaeological Mission unearthed a rare royal statue in the form of a K (Ancient Egyptian concept of vital essence differentiating between a dead and a live person) in Mit Rahina region of Giza Governorate.
December 14, 2019: The Egyptian Archaeological Mission discovered a small royal statue in the shape of a Sphinx in Tuna el-Gabal, Minya Governorate.
December 19, 2019: The Egyptian-German Archaeological Mission unearthed a legendary statue of the God Horus at King Amenhotep III's Temple of Millions of Years in the western mainland in Luxor.

King Ramses' red granite statue unearthed in Mit Rahina village-ET

Sphynx look-alike statue discovered in Tuna el-Gebel - ET

Latest statue of Horus discovered - ET

Well-preserved coffin unearthed in Luxor - ET
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