The Raymond and Beverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture in Egyptology and the Annual Egyptological Colloquium
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Since 1992, the British Museum has hosted an annual keynote lecture presenting the latest research on Egypt and Nubia. The lecture is made possible through the generosity of Raymond and Beverly Sackler.
The lecture is usually accompanied by a Colloquium on a related theme, with invited speakers from around the world. An overview of past lectures and colloquia provides a glimpse of how research on the cultures of the Nile Valley has developed in the last two decades.
Links are provided to those lectures and colloquia that have been published, whether online or in edited volumes.

Ticket for the first Raymond and Berverly Sackler Distinguished Lecture.
Complete list of lectures
and colloquiua
2019: The 'House of the Aten' at Amarna: whose needs did it serve and how?
Barry Kemp
Amarna Project
Thursday 19 - Friday 20 September 2019
Colloquium: Amarna – The Lived City
The 'House of the Aten' at Amarna: whose needs did it serve and how?
2018: The most ordinary of things: Victorian artists and the allure of the ancient Egyptian collections at the British Museum
Stephanie Moser
Southampton University
Friday 19 July
2017: Asyut, capital that never was
Jochem Kahl
Free University Berlin
Thursday 20 July
Asyut through time: conflict and culture in Middle Egypt
2016: Colossal and processional statuary in ancient Egypt: Where? When? Why?
Christian E Loeben,
Museum August Kestner, Hanover
Wednesday 13 July
Colloquium: Statues in contexts: production, meaning and (re)uses
2015: At the gate of the ancestors: saint cults and the politics of the past at Abydos
Janet Richards, University of Michigan, USA
Friday 10 July
Colloquium: Abydos: the sacred land at the western horizon
2014: The coffins of the lector priest Sesenebenef: a Middle Kingdom Book of the Dead?
Harco Willems, Catholic University, Leuvenm
Monday 28 July
Colloquium: Ancient Egyptian coffins: craft traditions and functionality
2013: Nubia in the New Kingdom: the Egyptians at Kurgus
Vivian Davies, former Keeper of Ancient Egypt and Sudan, British Museum
Thursday 11 July
Colloquium: Nubia in the New Kingdom: Lived experience, pharaonic control and local traditions
2012: New insights into Christian Egypt
Dr. Gawdat Gabra, former director of the Coptic Museum, Cairo
Thursday 11 July
Colloquium: Pagans, Christian and Muslims: Egypt in the First Millennium AD (publication forthcoming in Orientalia Lovaniensa Analecta, edited by Elisabeth O'Connell
2011: Egypt's trade with Punt: New discoveries on the Red Sea coast
Professor Rodolfo Fattovich, University of Naples 'L'Orientale' and the Italian Institute for Africa and the Orient, Rome
2 August
Colloquium: Mariners and Traders: Connections between the Red Sea Littoral, Arabia and Beyond
2010: The Egyptian town at Dokki Gel
Professor Charles Bonnet, Professor Emeritus, University of Geneva
2 August 2010
Colloquium: The 12th International Conference of the Society for Nubian Studies (publication forthcoming in Orientalia Lovaniensa Analecta, edited by Julie Anderson and Derek Welsby)
2009: The last New Kingdom tomb at Thebes; the end of a great tradition
Dr Tamás Bács, Head of the Department of Egyptology, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest
20 July 2009
Colloquium: The Egyptian Book of the Dead: recent research and new perspectives
2008: Gold and ivory in the Delta: excavations at Tell al-Farkha
Krzyszttof Cialowicz, Jagiellonian University, Kraków
28 July 2008
Colloquium: Egypt at its origins 3. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt: Recent discoveries / edited volume
2007: Elkab 1937-2007: seventy years of Belgian archaeological research
Dr Luc Limme, Head of Egyptian, Near Eastern and Iranian Department, Musées Royaux d'Art et d'Histoire, Brussels
11 July 2007
Colloquium: The 'Head of the South', current research in Upper Egypt, South of Thebes
2006: Islands of the blessed: life in the Western oasis of Egypt 4,000 years ago
Dr Laura Pantalacci, Director of Institut français d'archéologie orientale, Cairo
18 July 2006
Colloquium: Egypt's great oases: the archaeology of Kharga, Dakhla and the roads of the West
2005: Piramesse: Capital of Ramesses the Great and portal to the Eastern Mediterranean
Dr Edgar Pusch, Director of Excavations at Piramesse-Qantir
13 July 2005
Colloquium: Egypt and the Hittites: contacts, conflict and diplomacy in the Late Bronze Age
2004: Image and Identity: What did the Hyksos look like?
Dr Dorothea Arnold, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
14 July 2004
Colloquium: The Second Intermediate Period (13th – 17th Dynasties): Current research, future prospects
2003: The Secrets of the Great Pyramid
Dr Zahi Hawass (General Secretary of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt
15 July 2003
Colloquium: The British Museum and Ancient Egypt, research and fieldwork: present and future
2002: The tomb of a family of painters at Saqqara, New Kingdom artists at Memphis and Thebes
Professor Alain Zivie, Centre National de la Mission Archéologique Française du Bubasteion, Saqqara
10 July 2002
Colloquium: Reconstructing Egyptian life: new knowledge from ancient sources 18 July 2001
Professor Gaballa A. Gaballa, General Secretary for the Egyptian Supreme Council for Antiquities
Colloquium: The Egyptian Delta, Recent Exploration and Research
2000: The Ramesside Tomb & The Construction of Sacred Space
Professor Jan Assmann, The Egyptological Institute, Heidelberg
26 July 2000
Colloquium: The Theban Necropolis: Past, Present and Future
1999: The Daily rebirth of Light: A Guided Tour of the Egyptian Netherworld
Professor Erik Hornung, University of Basel
22 July 1999
1998: Archaeological Discoveries in the Western Desert
Dr Rudolph Kuper, The Heinrich Barth Institut, Köln
22 July 1998
Colloquium: Egypt & Nubia: Gifts of the Desert
1997: Recent excavations at the pyramid of Senwosret III at Dahshur
Dr Dieter Arnold, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
16 July 1997
Colloquium: Current and Recent Research in UK Egyptian Collections
1996: Painting Technique in the tomb of Su-Em-Niwet at Thebes
Professor Betsy Bryan, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore
10 July 1996
Colloquium: Colour and Painting in Ancient Egypt
1995: Hercules in Egypt, Roman Power and Egyptian Belief
Professor Jan Quaegebeur, University of Leuven
12 July 1995
Colloquium: Portraits and Masks, Burial Customs in Roman Egypt
1994: Abydos, City of Osiris Recent Excavations
Professor David O'Connor, University of Philadelphia
20 July 1994
Colloquium: The Temple in Ancient Egypt, new discoveries and recent research
1993: Recent Excavations of the Earliest Royal Tombs at Abydos
Dr Günter Dreyer (German Archaeological Institute, Cairo
21 July 1993
Colloquium: Early Egypt
1992: Excavations at Tell el-Dab'a: The Hyksos Capital of Egypt
Manfred Bietak, University of Vienna
9 July 1992
Colloquium: Egypt, the Aegean and the Levant
Prior to the first Sackler lecture in 1992, a colloquium on Biological Anthropology and the Study of Ancient Egypt was held in 1990, which was subsequently published.
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