Come join us this Sunday as Bryan Kraemer guides us through the Osirian world of ritual and resurrection.
The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Near Eastern Studies Department, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a lecture by Bryan Kraemer, Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art, CSU-San Bernardino
Revelation of the Mystery of Osiris, Lord of Abydos: The Sacred Rituals of Reviving a Murdered God
Sunday, May 5, 3 pm
Room 20 Barrows Hall UC Berkeley Campus (Near the intersection of Bancroft Way and Barrow Lane)
 Photo Courtesy of Bryan Kraemer |
About the Lecture:
The ancient mysteries celebrated to revive the god Osiris during festivals held at his tomb in Abydos were a secret kept by the priests of Ancient Egypt for almost 2000 years. And yet a wish to participate in these mysteries in life or after death appears among Ancient Egyptian texts so frequently that it must be one of the most talked about secrets ever. Although we have been aware of how parts of the festivals at Abydos worked for almost a century, the most secret mysteries have so far been unknown to scholars. How did the Egyptians perform the rituals to revive the murdered god?
Bryan Kraemer's ongoing research into the festivals at Abydos has revealed many of the secret mysteries. By examining unpublished or little understood texts and archaeological data, by reconstructing the ancient landscape of Abydos, and by relating it to astronomical phenomena, he has been able to reconstruct a step-by-step itinerary of the festivals of Osiris as well as an understanding of the ritual procedures at each stage as the festival was performed during the late New Kingdom to Late Period of Egyptian history. This includes the most secret steps that were privately conducted by only a select number of priests. Come to this lecture and learn about one of the best kept secrets of Ancient Egyptian religion. Learn how they miraculously recreated the body of Osiris which had been lost in the Nile, how they magically transplanted Osiris's decapitated head onto the new body and resuscitated it, why they stimulated Osiris post mortem with gustatory and sexually enticement, and why they maliciously threatened and tortured figures representing his brother Seth, his murderer. These were the most secretive aspects of the Ancient Egyptian rituals of Osiris, lord of Abydos, the god who triumphed over death.
About the Speaker:
 Photo Courtesy of Bryan Kraemer
Bryan Kraemer is a Research Egyptologist at the Robert and Frances Fullerton Museum of Art in California State University San Bernardino, where he is working on the catalogue of several hundred Egyptian artifacts in the collection. He is also a Ph. D. candidate in Egyptology at the University of Chicago, working on the topic of Abydos as a sacred landscape in the Greco-Roman Period. In this research, he has been looking at a period of significant changes to Egyptian religion through the microcosm of one ancient site that was at the heart of the religion of Osiris for nearly three thousand years. He has been studying Abydos and the cult of Osiris for the last fifteen years, having participated in several archaeological missions and undertaken his own independent research projects there. Apart from his research on Abydos and Egyptian religion specifically, Bryan has worked extensively on the topic of cultural landscapes of Ancient Egypt: how cultural phenomena such as religion and administration are organized in space. He is also a co-director for the Wadi el-Hudi Expedition to the Eastern Desert, an archaeological and epigraphic project to study the ancient amethyst mines of the Middle Kingdom and Greco-Roman Period in Egypt's Eastern Desert. |
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