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Monday, September 3, 2018

Elderly Bromborough couple become oldest students to graduate from University of Liverpool’s summer schools | Wirral Globe

Elderly Bromborough couple become oldest students to graduate from University of Liverpool's summer schools

By Lauren Jones Multimedia Reporter
Peter and Louise Rigby                    holding their certificates

Peter and Louise Rigby holding their certificates

AN ELDERLY couple from Bromborough have become two of the oldest students to graduate from the University of Liverpool's summer schools.

Husband and wife 80-year-old Peter and Louise Rigby, 76, who live in Alpha Living's Oaklands development in Bromborough are proving that it's never too late to learn a new skill or improve your knowledge.

The pair, who have 16 great-grandchildren between them, met through their passion for Egyptology and have become two of the university's most popular students – completing a beginners and intermediate course in hieroglyphs.

Peter and Louise have been married since 2004, having met through attending classes and workshops on Egyptology at a time when they had both recently been widowed.

Fast forward fourteen years and the couple are stronger than ever and inspiring fellow residents at Alpha Living's Oakland development with their active approach to life and learning.


Louise told the Globe: "People sometimes think that if you move into a sheltered housing development or supported housing then that's it, you don't want to do interesting things anymore.

"It's a strange stereotype and couldn't be further from the truth!

"Living in an Alpha development has given us the feeling of security and community but also the freedom to carry on living our lives to the full.

"It's nice to know there's a bit of extra support there if it's needed."

Peter added: "Quite often we get dragged to the pub with the students. It's always great fun.

"There are around 30 of us and we're by far the oldest. I think they see us as parental figures which we don't mind.

"We've made some life-long friends who live all over the world and still come back to see us. It keeps us feeling young."

Despite being a generation older than even the most mature students on the course, the couple have struck up friendships with students and lecturers, even joining them for nights out at the Philharmonic Dining Rooms pub.

Chief executive at Alpha Living Graeme Foster said: "Peter and Louise epitomise the spirit of living in an Alpha home which is all about being independent and living life to the full with a helping hand there if people need it.

"We're all really proud of their achievements and their attitude to life. I think we can all learn something from them!

"We love hearing about what they've learned on their courses and their antics with fellow students and we look forward to hearing about what they've signed up to next."

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