EXPLORE ARCE'S LATEST VIRTUAL TOURS Following the release of The Seated Statue of King Mentuhotep II and The Coffin of Tanakhtnettahat, ARCE launched two additional tours for The C-Ware Vessel and The KV55 Coffin. The C-ware vessel rested in a prominent position next to the deceased individual's right shoulder. The individual, who was laid to rest wrapped in mats, boasted a collection of fine pottery allowing archaeologists to date the tomb to the Naqada IB-IC period (ca. 3900-3600 BCE).  In 1907, a tomb was discovered in the Valley of the Kings during excavations by Edward Ayrton on behalf of the wealthy American lawyer Theodore M. Davis. This uninscribed tomb was subsequently numbered KV55 and is one of Egyptology's biggest enigmas, as its contents and occupant have stimulated much debate and confusion over the last century.  ANTIQUITIES ENDOWMENT FUND (AEF) APPLICATIONS OPEN NOVEMBER 15 ARCE is pleased to open applications for its Antiquities Endowment Fund (AEF) Grants 2021-2022. Created with resources from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) as allocated by the U.S. Congress, ARCE's Antiquities Endowment Fund (AEF) sustains an ongoing grants program to support the conservation, preservation and documentation of Egypt's cultural heritage and the dissemination of knowledge about that heritage. The application process for the ARCE AEF Short and long Term Grant takes place in 1 round (to be submitted by 12 midnight EST on February 15th, 2021) although submission of draft proposals are encouraged (by December 20,2020), to which program staff will respond with suggestions and advice. FIFTH PODCAST LAUNCH NOVEMBER 6 ARCE's fifth podcast will launch on our website on November 6, featuring Dr. Mohamed Kenawi that will be speaking about Amasili Project; the multidisciplinary conservation of an Ottoman-period house in the center of Rosetta. In addition to learning about its novel approach to heritage conservation, we discuss threats to heritage sites and consider some unanswered questions about Egypt's last Ptolemaic rulers. If you have any suggestions for future topics that you would like to see addressed in ARCE's podcast series, please email us at podcast@arce.org ARCE WELCOMES NEW DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATE Born in Pakistan, raised in Iran and Pakistan, studied in England and Paris, and now a resident of Northern Virginia, Qurat Ul Ain- قرة العين identifies herself as a citizen of the world. With over seven years of Non-Profit experience in fundraising, grant management, capital campaign, and capacity building, Qurat ul Ain brings a well-rounded experience to ARCE. Qurat ul Ain initially went to college to study Art History and Textile Design but dropped out to pursue a Bachelor of Laws with majors in Contract Law and Jurisprudence at the University of London. She has always been fascinated by Egyptian history and culture, so ARCE is a perfect match for her to pursue her passion for art and advocacy. Qurat ul Ain is a die-hard fan of football (Soccer) and a staunch Liverpool FC fan since 1989. She also enjoys spending her free time with her dog and cat and trains for obstacle course races so that she can outlive everyone during a zombie apocalypse. Welcome to the team, Qurat!  Qurat Ul-Ain | ARCE'S ANNUAL MEETING 2021 GOING VIRTUAL Our next Annual Meeting will take place virtually from April 23-25, 2021. This year, ARCE is planning for a virtual Annual meeting due to COVID- 19. ARCE members who wish to present at the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting should submit abstracts to the review committee on the All Academic platform no later than January 8, 2021. Find more information and details here. ACCESS ARCE'S VIRTUAL LECTURES If you missed any of our previous online lectures, you can still watch their recordings via our website. Some of the available virtual lectures include Dr. Elizabeth Bolman's "Conserving Coptic Heritage: a Historic Egyptian-American Partnership" and Dr. Iman R. Abdulfattah's "Maurice Nahman: Antiquities Collector, Dealer and Authority".  Maurice Nahman PUBLIC-ONLINE LECTURE BY AZZA FAHMY & OMNIYA ABDEL BARR Time: November 29, 2020 at 1:00 PM ET/ 8:00 PM EET Lecture Topic: Mamluks Made Modern: When Design Meets History The Mamluks ruled over Egypt and Syria from 1250 to 1517. They built a multitude of monuments with unabashed vigour through all crises, especially in their capital. Many of the arts and crafts were the pride of Cairo's markets. Today this cultural heritage represents an integral part of Cairo's living memory. The Mamluk ruling elite played a major role as investors and patrons which reflected on their architecture as well as their arts and crafts. A variety of novel styles appeared with unprecedent design and decoration. Therefore, to celebrate the Mamluks and their legacy, Azza Fahmy designed her 2019 jewellery collection in the Mamluk style, as an homage to this rich heritage.  Azza Fahmy In this talk Azza Fahmy and Omniya Abdel Barr will discuss their collaboration in giving Mamluk architecture a new dimension and glamour. They will speak about the design process and how they teamed history with jewellery in this exciting modern collection. Then, most importantly they will explain how they wanted to reconnect the public to this rich and unique cultural heritage, to appreciate and cherish it, but also to realise that it is today at risk. Omniya Abdel Barr CONNECT WITH US! Contact Info: American Research Center in Egypt 909 N Washington Street STE 320 Alexandria, VA 22314 United States info@arce.org | | | |
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