Sinai through the eye of a 19th century artist
By: Nancy Ragab
Sun, Aug. 13, 2017
Take a trip back in time to the 19th century, when Sinai was drawn by the passionate Scottish artist and traveler David Roberts.
Photos to be seen where first posted in Sinai Trail Facebook page .
Sinai is a breath taking land that inspires artists, hikers and those who appreciate nature on all levels. The simplicity of the original residents of Sinai is evident in the photos. For instance, housing in tents and using camels as a means of transportation reflected how free spirited the people of Sinai were.

Ascent of the lower ranges of Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

Christian and Muslim chapels on Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

The approach to Mount Sinai. Signed and dated 'David Roberts. 1839.'

Encampment of the Aulad-Sa'id at Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

Isle of Graia Gulf of Akabah Arabia Petraea Feby 27th 1839 / David Roberts, R.A.

Monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

Monastery of St. Catherine beneath Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

Stone pathway to the summit of Mount Sinai. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849.

The monastery of St. Catherine at Mount Sinai, from the south. Colored lithograph by Louis Haghe after David Roberts, 1849
The good news is you can still find some of the Bedouins of Sinai roaming around till this day. The traditional dresses are also still being used.
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