A Belgian diplomat has used the diplomatic bag to smuggle this registered excavated statue of Niqasat Hathor from Memphis with the help of an MSA inspector.

A Belgian diplomat smuggled the statue of Niqasat Hathor illustrated in the ‎Egypt's Heritage Task Force article - registered, excavated and in supposedly secure storage at Mit Rahina - out of the country via the diplomatic bag, with the help of an MSA inspector. The inspector who removed the statue illegally from the official magazine at Memphis has been arrested. Graphic details in Arabic from Al Bawabh News, here: http://www.albawabhnews.com/1318568

The diplomatic bag is a convention which allows embassies around the world to keep their communications with their home country from the eyes of their host nation. The container, of whatever size, should contain only diplomatic documents or articles intended for official use and be clearly marked as such. There have been incidents of the abuse of the diplomatic bag to smuggle drugs or even people, but since the time of Luigi Palma di Cesnola who smuggled several shiploads of Cypriot antiquities out of what was then Turkey for personal profit, hawking them round Europe but finally selling them to the Metropolitan Museum in New York, smuggling statues has had a low priority. I trust the anonymous Belgian Diplomat has a name somewhere, and no further employment in his country's foreign service?

A Belgian diplomat has used the... - Egypt's Heritage Task Force: الحملة المجتمعية للرقابة على التراث والأثار | Facebook

facebook.comA Belgian diplomat has used the diplomatic briefcase to smuggle this registered excavated statue of Niqasat Hathor from Memphis with the help of an MSA...