Tuesday, April 14, 2015
Open Access Egyptology from Waseda University
[Originally posted 6/10/10. Most recently updated 14 April 2015]
Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo
Publications in English
Institute of Archaeology, Waseda University, Tokyo

Publications in English
- Series of Studies in Egyptian Culture
No.1 The Excavations at Malkata-south 1972-1980, 1985
No.2 The Human Mummies from the 1983 Excavations at Qurna, Egypt, 1985
No.3 Das Sanktuar Amenophis, III im Luxor-Tempel, 1986
No.4 Ancient Human Mummies from Qurna, Egypt, 1986
No.5 The Architecture of “Kom el Samak” at Malkata-south -A Study of Architectural Restoration-,
No.6 Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation(1) -By Electromagnetic Wave Method-, 1987
No.7 Ancient Human Mummies from Qurna, Egypt II, 1988
No.8 Non-Destructive Pyramid Investigation(2), 1988
No.9 Monitoring Plan and Practical Design Concept for the Restoration of the Great Sphinx through the First International Symposium on the Great Sphinx towards Global Treatment of the Sphinx, Cairo, 29 February-3 March 1992, 1992
No.10 A Survey of the Tombs in the Valley of the Kings. Pictorial Report, 2000
- The First International Symposium on the Application of Modern Technology to Archaeological Explorations at the Giza Necropolis - The Substance of Speech, 1987
- Comparative Studies of Noble Tombs in Theban Necropolis - Tomb Nos. 8, 38, 39, 48, 50, 54, 57, 63, 64, 66, 74, 78, 89, 90, 91, 107, 120, 139, 147, 151, 181, 201, 253, 295, 1988
- Conservation of the Wall Paintings in the Royal Tomb of Amenophis III -First and Second Phases Report-, 2004
- Excavating in Egypt for 40 years Waseda University Expedition 1966-2006: A Special Exhibition of Japanese archaeological discoveries in Egypt in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo, 2009
- Abusir South
‘Waseda University Excavations at North Saqqara: A Preliminary Report on the First Three Seasons,
December 1991 – September 1993’, 1997 (link to Journal Archive)
‘Waseda University Excavations at North Saqqara: A Preliminary Report on the Fourth to Sixth
Seasons, August 1995 – September 1997’, 1999 (link to Journal Archive)
‘Waseda University Excavations in Egypt and Recent Works at North Saqqara,’ in Hawass, Z. (ed.), Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century, vol. 1, Cairo, 2003
‘A Sacred Hillside at Northwest Saqqara: A Preliminary Report on the Excavations 2001-2003,’ MDAIK 61, 2005.
‘Neue Entdeckungen im Nordwesten Sakkaras, Eine Grabkapelle aus dem Neuen Reich und das Grab der Isisnofret,’ Sokar 19, 2009.
Publications in JapaneseKhufu's Second Boat
- Dahshur North
‘Preliminary Report of the General Survey at Dahshur North, Egypt’, 1997
‘Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt-1st and 2nd Field Seasons-’, 1998
‘Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt-3rd Field Season-’, 1998
‘Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt,-4th-6th Field Seasons, 2000
‘Preliminary Report of Excavations at Dahshur North, Egypt,-7th Field Season, 2001
‘Preliminary Report of the Waseda University Excavations at Dahshur North-10th Season-, 2005
Leaflet of the project
エ ジプト学研究 - The Journal of Egyptian Studies
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