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Wednesday, November 8, 2017 Weekly Digest

Ellen Morris Ellen Morris
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

Paddle dolls and performance in ancient Egypt.

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Miroslav Barta Miroslav Barta
Charles University, PragueCzech Institute of Egyptology, Faculty Member

M. Bárta, Johannes Gutenberg (1397/1400-1468). Vynález knihtisku a zrození moderní Evropy, in M. Bárta, M. Kovář, eds., Lidé a dějiny. K roli osobnosti v historii v multidisciplinární perspektivě, Praha, Academia.

Velmi často se lidé zamýšlejí nad tím, co vlastně znamená moderní Evropa či západní svět a kde hledat jejich počátky. Odpovědí je nepochybně možných vícero, já se na tomto místě přikloním k variantě, že za formování Evropy se vším dobrým i zlým může do značné míry vynález knihtisku v kombinaci se zámořskými objevy, ke kterým došlo o několik desetiletí později. Objev knihtisku v polovině 15. století zcela změnil paradigma množení, šíření a sdílení informací v národních jazycích a nepřímo napomohl náboženské reformaci, jeho vliv můžeme nepochybně cítit i na pozadí tzv. Vestfálského míru o...

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The Society for the Study                                            of Egyptian Antiquities The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities

AEGYPTUS: Egypt under Roman Rule 2017 SYMPOSIUM WEEKEND Schedules

Inclusive Calendar of SSEA Events for November 2-6th, 2017 during The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities/La Société pour l'Étude de l'Égypte ancienne AGM Weekend, with detailed schedules of the Symposium (Nov 4th) and Scholars' Colloquium (November 3rd and 5th), presented by The Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Head Office

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John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

The Apotropaic Goddess in the Eye

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Carolyn Routledge Carolyn Routledge
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Did Women Do Things in Ancient Egypt?

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Markéta Preininger                                            Svobodová Markéta Preininger Svobodová
Bookmarked by Ellen Morris

Lives of Women in Ancient Egypt (Master Thesis)

Markéta Svobodová - Sexually Liminal Periods in Lives of Women in Ancient Egypt, Master Thesis, Charles University in Prague, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, 2016. The thesis seeks to explain the sexual passages of women related to fertility, such as menstruation, pregnancy and birth, in the ancient Egyptian world. The passages related to fertility have strong connotations with death in the Egyptian mythological context. The aim of the thesis is to understand this relationship, often metaphorically conveyed in iconography or in the netherworld literature. The thesis...

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Julien Cooper Julien Cooper
Bookmarked by Kasia Szpakowska

'Reconsidering the Location of Yam', Journal of the American Research Center in Egypt 48 (2012), 1-22

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Maria Correas-Amador Maria Correas-Amador
Bookmarked by Ian Shaw

Correas-Amador, M. (2012) 'Living in a material world': Understanding and interpreting life in an Egyptian mud house. In: H. Abd el-Gawad et al. (eds.) Current Research in Egyptology Volume XII. Oxford.

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John Coleman Darnell John Coleman Darnell
Bookmarked by Colleen Manassa Darnell

Hathor Returns to Medamud

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Alexandra Woods Alexandra Woods
Bookmarked by Peter Manuelian

A. Woods, Five significant features in Old Kingdom spear-fishing and fowling scenes, In: Kousoulis P., & Lazaridis, N., (eds), Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists,

This paper will examine a number of features consistently represented in scenes where the King or tomb owner is shown as a major figure spearing fish or catching fowl in the marshlands of Egypt. Analysis of Old Kingdom marsh scenes from the Memphite and provincial cemeteries identified five important features and are as follows: the type of kilt, wig and headdress worn by the major figure; the rendering of the umbels in the papyrus thicket; the shape of the papyrus boat; and the arrangement of the water weed in the scene. This paper aims to analyse each feature to establish whether the...

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