Saturday, March 9, 2019

UC Berkeley Talk on 3D Modeling and Development of Cultural Heritage and Environmental Assets

See attached PDF file. If you have trouble viewing it, here's the text from the poster.


3D Modeling and Development of
Cultural Heritage and Environmental Assets

Rossella Franchino and Nicola Pisacane

Survey and 3D modeling techniques have strongly influenced the field of documentation of
Cultural and Environmental Heritage, their dissemination and their use. The branch of Cultural
and Environmental Heritage has found advantages of this technological evolution, which today
makes possible the fruition and the sustainable renewal of buildings, objects, places even if
inaccessible, destroyed or only partially preserved. The theme will be developed through the
presentation of case studies in Campania Region - Italy.

Friday • March 15 th • 2:00 PM
2251 College Building (ARF), Room 101
UC Berkeley

Rossella Franchino, Engineer and PhD, Associate professor of
Technology of Architecture at the Department of Architecture and
Industrial Design - Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi
Vanvitelli" (Italy), carries out research in the areas of environmental
design and construction systems for sustainable architecture. She
mainly deals with the reading and controlling of the quality and
characteristics of the environment, with the verification of the
degradation phenomena determined by anthropic activities, along with
the identification of the means and intervention strategies for
environmental recovery, redevelopment and protection.

Nicola Pisacane, Architect and PhD, Associate Professor of
Drawing, Survey and Digital Modeling at Department of
Architecture and Industrial Design - Università degli Studi della
Campania Luigi Vanvitelli (Italy). PhD in Environmental and
Architecture Surveying and Imaging at Seconda Università degli
Studi di Napoli. Member of the Scientific Board of the PhD
Program in Architecture, Industrial Design and Cultural Heritage -
Università degli Studi della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.

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