Saturday, March 9, 2019

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Open Access Journal: British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES)
On 03/07/2019 12:57 PM, Charles Jones wrote:
Open Access Journal: British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES) [First posted in AWOL 8 October 2009. Updated 7 March 2019]

British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan (BMSAES)
ISSN: 2049-5021 (on-line)
The British Museum Studies in Ancient Egypt and Sudan(BMSAES) is a peer-reviewed, academic journal dedicated to presenting research on all aspects of ancient Egypt and Sudan and the representation of these cultures in modern times.
BMSAES is open-access: all articles in this journal can be viewed and downloaded free-of-charge.
This journal offers scholars the opportunity to include a large number of colour images, and other multimedia content, where appropriate to the article. Accepted papers will be published as soon as possible: there is no defined publication schedule or deadlines, as with print journals. The articles do not need to concern British Museum objects or projects.

Issue 24: February 2019


This special issue of BMSAES publishes papers and additional reflections arising from two workshops organised at the British Museum in 2011 and 2013 as part of the British Museum's Naukratis Project. Contributions by archaeologists, Classicists, Egyptologists and other specialists explore the diverse and sometimes contrasting narratives of the different disciplines and the underlying ancient realities. The first workshop – entitled 'The Nile Delta as a landscape of connectivity' – concentrated on the subjects of transport networks; trade and consumption; Delta industry; and Delta communities. The second workshop was dedicated to 'Religious Naukratis in context'. Some studies put the primary emphasis on cults, sanctuaries and offerings at Naukratis itself, while others aimed to situate Naukratis in the wider perspective of religious phenomena in the Mediterranean area, especially in the context of trading ports, but also in contemporary sites in the Delta and elsewhere.
Aurélia Masson-Berghoff and Ross Thomas


Naukratis in Context: programme and bibliography
Aurélia Masson-Berghoff and Ross Thomas

The Nile Delta as a landscape of connectivity

The evolving environment of the Nile Delta from 6000 BP to the present
Judith M. Bunbury, Ben Pennington and Laurence Pryer

Greek landings and Hellenic appropriations in 'the island' (the Egyptian Delta)
Jean-Yves Carrez-Maratray

Identifying the amphora stamps from Naukratis
Alan Johnston

Faience finds from Naukratis and their implications for the chronology of the site
Virginia Webb

Ten lead containers from Thonis-Heracleion: tackling the problem of dating
Elsbeth M. van der Wilt

Religious phenomena in Naukratis

The wool of Naukratis. About the stela Michigan Kelsey Museum 0.2.5803
Damien Agut-Labordère

Votive inscriptions from Naukratis
Alan Johnston

A new relief fragment from the soubassement of the Ptolemaic temple of Amun-Ra at Naukratis
Ahmed Said el-Kharadly

Naukratis: Egyptian offerings in context
Aurélia Masson-Berghoff

Absent, invisible or revealed 'relics'? X-radiography and CT scanning of Egyptian bronze votive boxes from Naukratis and elsewhere
Aurélia Masson-Berghoff and Daniel O'Flynn

Terracotta and stone figurines from Naukratis
Ross I. Thomas

Naukratis: religion in a cross-cultural context
Alexandra Villing

Cults, sanctuaries and offerings in Egypt and the Mediterranean world

Cypriot terracotta figurines in the East Aegean as evidence for a technical and cultic innovation transfer?
Jan-Marc Henke

Votive offerings and ritual practice in the Ionian sanctuary of Apollo at Klaros
Ireen Kowalleck

Attic vases in Miletos
Norbert Kunisch †

The significance of faience in the religious practices at Naukratis and beyond
Virginia E. S. Webb

Gateway to the underworld: the cult areas at Sais
Penelope Wilson

For more open access publications of the British Museum, see here.

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