Tuesday, October 9, 2018

AWOL - The Ancient World Online: Demotic Graffiti from the Wadi Hammamat (from Eugene-Cruz Uribe)

Note the photographer/publisher, the late Eugene Cruz-Uribe. Glenn

On 10/09/2018 08:27 PM, eBay wrote:On 10/06/2018 02:43 PM, Charles Jones wrote:
Demotic Graffiti from the Wadi Hammamat Demotic Graffiti from the Wadi Hammamat
The following links are for photographs of the Demotic graffiti I have published in JSSEA 28 (2001) in my article of the same name.  That article includes the transliterations, translations and commentary on a series of Demotic texts found in the Paneion in the Wadi Hammamat and on the walls of the quarry east of  Paneion.  The texts are numbered 41-159 and are to be seen as an addition to the publication of the first 40 graffiti published by Heinz-Josef Thissen, in his article: "Demotische Graffiti des Paneions im Wadi Hammamat," Enchoria9 (1979): 63-92 and plates 11-25.
The photographs given below represent the best photographs I personally took in the Wadi Hammamat on my trips to the wadi in 1995 and 1999.  I want to thank Dolores Ward and Adel Farid for their assistance on those two trips.  If the viewer feels any specific photograph is not of sufficient quality to view the graffiti, please email me directly (eugene.cruz-uribe@nau.edu) and I can attempt to send a higher quality version.
All of the jpeg files of these graffiti were scanned at 150 dpi.
The numbers follow the numbers assigned the texts in my article in JSSEA.  All of the jpeg files are copyright of the author and may not be reproduced without written permission and are posted on this web-site for the convenience of scholars who wish to see photographs to supplement the line drawings provided in the JSSEAvolume.
G.WH 042 G.WH 044 & 045 G.WH 046
G. WH 047 G. WH 048 G. WH 050
G. WH 051 G. WH 052 G. WH 053
G. WH 055 G. WH 055 & 056 & 060 G. WH 055 & 056 left & 057
G. WH 055 & 056 right G. WH 059 G. WH 061
G. WH 062 G. WH 063 G. WH 063 & 064
G. WH 064 & 065 & 066 G. WH 065 G. WH 070
G. WH 71 G. WH 072 & 073 G. WH 074
G. WH 075 G. WH 076 G. WH 083
G. WH 084 G. WH 085 G. WH 086
G. WH 087 G. WH 088 G. WH 089 & 091 & 092
G. WH 090 G. WH 093 G. WH 094
G. WH 095 G. WH 096 G. WH 097 & 098
G. WH 099 G. WH 100 G. WH 101
G. WH 102 G. WH 103 G. WH 104 & 106 & 109
G. WH 105 & 106 G. WH 107 G. WH 111
G. WH 112 & 113 G. WH 114 & 115 G. WH 116 & 117
G. WH 118 right G. WH 118 left & 119 G. WH 119 & 120
G. WH 121 G. WH 122 G. WH 123
G. WH 124 G. WH 125 G. WH 129
G. WH 130 G. WH 133 G. WH 135
G. WH 136 G. WH 137 &138 & 139 G. WH 140
G. WH 141 G. WH 142 G. WH 143
G. WH 144 & 145 G. WH 146 G. WH 147
G. WH 148 & 149 G. WH 150 G. WH 151
G. WH 152 G. WH 153 G. WH 154
G. WH 155

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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