Tuesday, October 9, 2018

ARCE-NC $1500 Student Grant for Egypt Research - Apply by October 19!

Call for Applications
Eugene Cruz-Uribe Memorial Student Grant
American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter

The Board of Directors of the Northern California Chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) is offering one grant of $1,500 to a qualified undergraduate or graduate student during the 2018-19 academic year.

Deadline for applications is Friday, October 19, 2018. The award will be presented at the ARCE NorCal chapter's November 11 meeting.

Applicants must either be enrolled at a Northern California college or university (Monterey to the Oregon border) or come from a hometown within that area.

They must be pursuing a degree that incorporates Egyptian anthropology, archaeology, art, history, museum studies or language, or Coptic or Arabic studies in any period. Proof of enrollment may be required.

To apply, students must submit 1) a CV and 2) a brief proposal (250-500 words) of how they will use the grant. Possible uses include – but are not limited to – research, travel, or preparation of a student-led exhibition, course or media project. The grant will be awarded based on merit. In case of a tie, the winner will be determined by a random drawing from the qualified applicants.

The grant honors a beloved chapter member, the late Professor Eugene Cruz-Uribe, an Egyptologist specializing in the Greco-Roman period who was killed in a bicycle accident March 12, 2018. A recently retired professor of history at Indiana University East at the time of his death, Prof. Cruz-Uribe taught at California State University, Monterey Bay from 2007 to 2013.

Applicants for the grant in his honor should send their materials by email to ARCENorCal@gmail.com by the October 19 deadline. If possible, the recipient will be expected to accept the award in person at our November meeting in Berkeley.

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