Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Griffith Institute - Latest News

Griffith latest news

Minnie Burton's diary

On the 14th of July the Griffith Institute acquired the 1922-26 personal diary of Minnie Burton, thanks to two generous grants from the Friends of the National Libraries and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Minnie was the wife of the British archaeologist and photographer Harry Burton, who worked with Howard Carter during the excavation of the tomb of Tutankhamun. See more.

Percy Newberry Collection - Project News

Following the receipt of a cataloguing grant from The National Archives we have hired an Archivist to catalogue the papers of Percy Newberry. You can keep up to date with the project and find out about interesting items from the collection on Facebook as well as this project page.

The Newberry Collection - Project Archivist vacancy

We are delighted to announce that The National Archives has awarded a cataloguing grant to the Griffith Institute in order to employ a professional archivist for one year to catalogue the papers of the British Egyptologist, Percy Edward Newberry (1869-1949).See more

Terence DuQuesne's papers

Three months ago, on the 17th of April, the British Egyptologist Terence DuQuesne passed away. He very generously bequeathed his research papers to the Griffith Institute, where they will be soon available for consultation. See more.

The Digital Topographical Bibliography

We have now launched test cases for the new Digital Topographical Bibliography. Alongside searchable PDFs of the current print version, vols. 1-7, this website presents the new framework of the project and samples of new data focusing on three case-studies (Tuna el-Gebel, Tell el-Farʿun and royal statues of provenance not known).
We would welcome feedback from users on the general appearance and style, ease of access and navigation within the case-studies, as well as thoughts and comments on any aspect of the presentation and content. See more.

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