Wednesday, October 14, 2015

British Museum - Events - Colloquium - Egypt and empire: religious identities from Roman to modern times

Egypt and empire: religious identities from Roman to modern times

Thursday 10 December 2015,
Friday 11 December 2015,
Stevenson Lecture Theatre
Tickets £30
Members/Concessions £20
Colloquium: £30, concessions £20 Keynote lecture and reception: £20, concessions £15 Joint ticket (keynote lecture and colloquium): £40, concessions £30 Concessions are Roman Society, British Museum Members, Egypt Exploration Society members, British Egyptian Society members, Sudan Archaeological Research Society members Undergraduate and postgraduate students and faculty: £20 for joint ticket

Phone +44 (0)20 7323 8181
Ticket Desk in Great Court

Across Europe, North Africa and the Middle East, the first millennium AD witnessed the radical transformation of a world from devotion to many gods to the one God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

This transition has shaped the modern world. Egypt’s arid climate has preserved an unparalleled range and abundance of material culture –documents on papyrus, textiles and other organic materials, in addition to literary manuscripts, sculpture, metalwork and ceramics – giving particular insights into the lived experience of faith. This breadth of evidence complicates and sometimes challenges the narratives of ancient, medieval and modern historians.

After Egypt became a Roman province, most people continued to worship many gods. From the 4th century AD, when the imperial household adopted Christianity, the religion spread so that by the 5th century, most people in Egypt were Christian. Following the Arab conquest in AD 641, Islam was introduced and, by the 10th century Egypt had a majority Muslim population. Up until the mid-20th century minority Jewish communities had periodically thrived in Egypt.

This two-day colloquium will bring together over 20 international scholars to discuss the ways in which empire has shaped, or been shaped by, religion in Egypt up to the 20th century. The papers will deploy evidence from the disciplines of History, Archaeology and Art History to explore the social, cultural and political dynamics of religious identities under empire.

See the event page for the related keynote address Egyptian religious identities under imperial rule: critical reflections on Thursday 10 December 2015, 17.30–19.00

The colloquium and keynote address are generously sponsored by the Leverhulme Trust-funded project Empires of Faith.

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