Friday, September 8, 2023

One More Image of Karakhamun – South Asasif Conservation Project

One More Image of Karakhamun

Katherine Blakeney and Mohamed El Azeb Hakem talk about the reconstruction of human figures, grids, installation techniques and more. (

Together, they have reconstructed a number of images of Karakhamun. 

 Today's narrative talks about the installation of the head of Karakhamun on the north face of the north-west  pillar (NP3) in the Second Pillared Hall of the tomb. This pillar became the star of the 2022 season when numerous fragments of its decoration were found during the clearing of debris outside the tomb. The conservation team of the Project, including Ali Hassan Ibrahim, Taib Hassan Ibrahim and Mohamed Shebib, worked with Kenneth Griffin to decorate this beautiful pillar, especially its north face featuring the texts and vignettes of BD 51 and BD104. 

The saga of NP3 continues this season with the installation of the head of Karakhamun. 

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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