Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Correction: Upcoming Egyptology Lectures, Northern California ARCE

Resending to correct the date for the November lecture. My apologies for the extra email.

 American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE)

Northern California Chapter

Upcoming 2023 Lectures

The following are among the lectures to be presented in the coming months by ARCE's Northern California Chapter and by the UC Berkeley Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Unless otherwise indicated, lectures will be at 3 pm Sunday, in person, at venues to be determined.

Preparing for Eternity: Funerary Models & Wall Scenes from the Old and Middle Kingdoms
September 10, 2023
Dr. Georgia Barker, Macquarie University/CSU San Bernardino
Room 20 Social Sciences Building, UC Berkeley.

The Upper Egyptian Temple of Edfu: Its Architecture as an Image of the World
1:30 PM Zoom Lecture
October 15, 2023
Dr. Dieter Kurth, Prof-Dr. Emeritus, Hamburg University
Zoom lecture co-sponsored by ARCE/Orange County.
To register, please click on this link and follow the directions.

Topic: TBD
November 5, 2023 (tentative)
Jason Silvestri, UC Berkeley

Topic: TBD
December 10, 2023
Dr. Jennifer Babcock, SUNY


Parking is available in UC lots all day on weekends, for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept debit or credit cards. Parking is available in lots around the Social Sciences Building, and in lots along Bancroft. A map of the campus is available online at http://www.berkeley.edu/map/

For more information, please visit https://facebook.com/NorthernCaliforniaARCE/, https://arce-nc.org/lectures.htm,
https://twitter.com/ARCENCPostings, or https://khentiamentiu.org. To join the chapter or renew your membership, please go to https://www.arce.org/general-membership and select "Berkeley, CA" as your chapter when you sign u

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