Wednesday, August 2, 2023

ARCE-NC Ancient Egypt Pottery Practicum by Dr. Carol Redmount, Aug. 13, 2023

There are still several seats available for Dr. Carol Redmount's Pottery Practicum. If you want to understand how an accomplished field archaeologist works with Ancient Egyptian pottery, you should attend this practicum. It's a learning opportunity our chapter hasn't offered before, one you don't want to miss.

We hope to see you there!


The American Research Center in Egypt, Northern California Chapter, and the Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures, University of California, Berkeley, invite you to attend a workshop presented by Dr. Carol Redmount, UC Berkeley

Ancient Egypt Pottery Practicum

Sunday, August 13, 2023, 3 PM Pacific Daylight Time
Baer-Keller Library, Social Sciences Building
(formerly Barrows Hall)
UC Berkeley

Limited attendance (20); send registration requests to
This is an in-person event only; it will neither be Zoomed nor recorded.

Carol Redmount at the El Hibeh excavation site (Image courtesy of Dr. Redmount)

About the Practicum:

Ever wonder why and how an archaeologist deals with ancient pottery? In this hands-on practicum we will look at these questions and review some of the issues relating to the basic study of ancient Egyptian pottery.

Dr. Carol Redmount is a field archaeologist who teaches Egyptian archaeology at UC Berkeley. She has been excavating in Egypt for many years and also has archaeological experience in Tunisia, Cyprus, Jordan, Israel, and the U.S.

Parking is available in UC lots all day on weekends, for a fee. Ticket dispensing machines accept debit or credit cards. Parking is available in lots around the Social Sciences Building, and in lots along Bancroft. A map of the campus is available online at

About ARCE-NC:

For more information, please visit,,, or To join the chapter or renew your membership, please go to and select "Berkeley, CA" as your chapter when you sign up.

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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