Friday, March 3, 2023

ARCE Public Access Lecture: March 2023

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March 2023 lecture


*Public Access Lecture*

March 25, 2023

2:00 PM ET

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"The Astonishing History of a Famous Monument in Alexandria, Egypt"

with Dr. Paul Stanwick

This talk will explore how and why Pompey's Pillar – more properly known as Diocletian's Column – has inspired storytellers, artists, and adventurers from Roman times to the present day. The enormous column is one of the few standing monuments preserved from ancient Alexandria in Egypt. It has survived numerous regime changes and earthquakes from the time it was set up on a high hill near the Mediterranean coast of Egypt. After the destruction of Alexandria's famous ancient lighthouse, Pompey's Pillar endured as a symbol of Alexandria and a celebrated landmark for travelers arriving in the city by land and sea.

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