Tuesday, March 7, 2023

AERA: New Field Season and Lecture Invitation!

Upcoming lecture: Iron in the Sky Meteorites in Ancient Egypt
You are invited to attend AERA team member Victoria Almansa-Villatoro's lecture "Iron in the Sky: Meteorites in Ancient Egypt" on Thursday, March 9, 6:00–7:00 pm ET. This lecture will be available both online and in person at Harvard University. Advance registration is required. More information is available on the Harvard University website.

In ancient Egypt, iron harvested from meteorites was used to create ritual objects associated with royalty and power. An iron dagger from the tomb of King Tutankhamun is one of the oldest Egyptian objects verified to be of meteoritic origin. In this lecture, Almansa-Villatoro will discuss Egyptian texts, iconography, and religious writings that associate iron with the sky and stars, indicating that ancient Egyptians were aware that meteorites came from space.
AERA's spring field season in Egypt
We are excited to be back in the field and resuming our excavations at the Lost City of the Pyramids (Heit el-Ghurab).

On site we picked up where we left off last year, continuing excavations in an area that was previously hidden beneath a soccer field. We believe this area was once the site of a Nile port used to transport goods to the pyramid workers, and our work here is proving crucial to our understanding of how the site functioned.

In the lab our specialists are studying the finds from our excavations. This year we have a team intensively focused on the study of sealings, the bits of clay which were used by officials to secure the contents of anything from small vessels to entire storerooms. The text written on sealings is an important clue for dating and understanding the site's activities. We've already made some exciting new discoveries and we look forward to sharing them with you at the end of the season!
You can read more about the history of all our excavations, including the Lost City, on the Fieldwork page of our new website.

The Lost City site at the beginning of the excavation season. The red line shows the southern limit of excavations for this season.
Our excavations in the Silo Court of the Royal Administrative Building. These massive silos once stored grain that fed the pyramid workers.
We are grateful for our members!
Join AERA and help us explore further
Our members and donors support our excavations in Egypt, field school training, conservation efforts and much more. Members also receive printed copies of our AERAgram newsletters and annual reports as soon as they are published. 
AERA is a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, nonprofit organization. Your membership or donation is tax deductible.
Ancient Egypt Research Associates, Inc. | info@aeraweb.org | aeraweb.org

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