Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Re: Now on ARCE-NC YouTube: "A Gateway into the Desert: History, Exploration, and Cyclical Rediscovery of Wadi Tumilat"

The Northern California chapter of the American Research Center in Egypt has just re-posted a recording of the chapter's December lecture, given by Dr. Aleksandra Ksiezak, University of Toronto, CSU San Bernardino. Because the audio track of the previous recording was sometimes very faint, and because one viewer has said as much, I have boosted the audio by 15dB and re-posted the recording. To view the revised recording, click on this link: (If you want the HD version, instead of SD, you may have to wait an hour or more.) Note that the previous posting is no longer available.

To view other lectures, please go to the chapter's YouTube channel, at . To receive notifications when more recordings are published, click on the "Subscribe" link or button on your YouTube app or web page.

Glenn Meyer
ARCE-NC Publicity Director
--   Sent from my Linux system.

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