Thursday, October 6, 2022

Fwd: [EEF] Searching for "grant active" mid-career archaeologist!

--------Forwarded Message--------

From: Vinson, Stephen <>

Dear list members -- a few weeks ago, the President of
Indiana University announced what she's calling the
"Indiana University Bloomington 100" initiative, in
which she is using strategic funds to increase our
tenure line faculty by 100 over its current base over
the next four years. She is targeting mid-career
scholars with a strong record of external funding for
their work. IU Egyptology is currently configured as
an MA program with a strong reputation for training
students in Egyptian language and history, and we
have a strategic partnership with Virtual Heritage
in our School of Informatics. Our students emerge
with advanced training in language and in Virtual
Heritage methods including 3D digital modeling and
virtual reality. Our MA alumni are pursuing, or
have pursued, Egyptology doctorates at Harvard,
Yale, Brown, Hopkins, UCLA, Toronto, CUNY-Graduate
Center, and Liverpool. I would like to explore using
this opportunity to expand our offerings to include
an archaeological component, which would enable us
to offer a comprehensive Ph.D. curriculum here.

We have already discussed this with one potential
colleague, and made a hiring proposal. But in
discussing this with our Dean, I was told that the
Provost, who will actually approve specific hires,
is interested in "cluster hires," apparently 2 or
more scholars working in related areas. They also
want to use this to bring existing, strong programs
at Indiana University to the next level, so to speak.
So, we might get resonance with another archaeologist
who works in Egyptology or an Egyptology-adjacent
subfield, but something a little off the beaten path.
I could imagine Islamic archaeology (in Egypt and/or
elsewhere in MENA), Coptic archaeology, underwater
archaeology (Egypt and/or broader eastern Mediterranean),
Graeco-Roman archaeology, archaeology of the oases,
for example. Ideally, we'd find someone who would
be joint appointed with another unit, i.e.,
anthropology, Classical studies, art history,
religious studies, etc., along with Middle Eastern
Languages and Cultures, which is where IU Egyptology
is located. An interest in Virtual Heritage is a
plus, but the real point is to move into one or
more new areas.

If you'd be interested in exploring this possibility
at IU, please let me know and let's talk. Again, the
initiative is targeted at mid-career scholars who
have already attracted significant external grants
for their work.

All best,

Steve Vinson
Professor and Chair
Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Indiana University – Bloomington

HLS 3048


Postal Address:
Department of Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures
Hamilton Lugar Global and International Studies Building,
Third Floor
355 N Eagleson Ave
Bloomington, IN 47405

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