Monday, March 7, 2022

Prof Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin (1934-2022) | Egypt Exploration Society

Prof Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin (1934-2022)

The following obituary is amended from Christ's College University of Cambridge: 

Left: Prof Geoffrey Martin working on Demotic papyri uncovered at Saqqara during EES excavations in the 1960s-70s. 

The Egypt Exploration Society is sad to announce that Prof Geoffrey Almeric Thorndike Martin, Vice-President, passed away on the morning of Monday 7th March 2022.

Following his BA in Ancient History from University College London in 1963, Geoffrey studied for an MA at the University of Cambridge in 1966 and joined the Fellowship at Christ's College as the Lady Wallis Budge Junior Research Fellow that year.  He was awarded his PhD in 1969 during his Junior Research Fellowship.

Geoffrey left the Fellowship in 1970 to return to University College London as a lecturer in Egyptology, where he was ultimately Edwards Professor of Egyptian Archaeology and Philology.  He was also a Senior Fellow of the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research in Cambridge.

He participated in and directed fieldwork and epigraphic missions for the Egypt Exploration Society at Buhen, Saqqara, and Amarna. He was also Field Director on the Cambridge Expedition to the Valley of the Kings. Geoffrey directed the EES-Leiden projects that discovered the tomb of Maya and Meryt, and the Memphite tomb of Horemheb. Following his retirement Geoffrey returned to Cambridge and was elected a Fellow-Commoner of Christ's College in 1998.

Geoffrey continued to publish and in 2017 republished 'Tutankhamun's Regent: Scenes and Texts from the Memphite Tomb of Horemheb' for the Egypt Exploration Society, a mammoth volume recording the discovery of this important tomb at Saqqara.

Above: Prof Geoffrey Martin led the EES-Leiden team on behalf of the EES that rediscovered the Memphite tomb of Horemheb at Saqqara in 1975

For many that worked in the archives of the EES, Geoffrey was a familiar character both within the records and as a researcher. His support for the next generation of scholars is demonstrated in the work of EES Centenary Award holder, Sergio Robledo (Harvard University) who will build on the work of scholars like Geoffrey, and W Bryan Emery before him. Thanks to their efforts, Geoffrey will continue to have a long and lasting legacy in international Egyptology.


--   Sent from my Linux system.

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