Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Fwd: Abydos Selected as one of the 25 sites on the 2022 #WorldMonumentsWatch

Abydos Selected as One of the 25 Sites on the World Monuments Fund 2022 World Monuments Watch

This year's World Monuments Watch sheds light on 25 extraordinary heritage sites that face serious challenges. Through the World Monuments Fund's collaboration with local communities, there is potential for significant difference. The 2022 watch represents 12,000 years of history and 24 countries which are in urgent need of action to safeguard places with rich cultural heritage that are experiencing pressures in imbalanced tourism, climate emergency, recovery from crisis and underrepresentation.

Situated on the West Bank of Upper Egypt's Nile, Abydos is regarded as one of the imperative sites in ancient Egypt. This divine city resides overlooking a desert valley that was once believed to provide way to the underworld. Moreover, it was the worship center for the god of the underworld, Osiris and the burial ground for Egypt's first pharaohs. Today, Abydos is pressured from both urban and agricultural intrusion, creating conservation challenges that vary from rising water levels to illicit dumping.

The watch draws attention to the setbacks faced in Abydos and urges solutions moving forward. Through community engagement and working with local stakeholders, the World Monuments Fund aims to construct a comprehensive model to preserve Abydos, improving the site's safety whilst generating chances for improved visitation.

To learn more about the World Monuments Fund's selection of 25 treasured heritage sites that are in need of our attention, click here


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