Thursday, February 3, 2022

Upcoming Talks on Wadi el-Hudi

Upcoming Talks on Wadi el-Hudi

Sign up for two upcoming lectures on Wadi el-Hudi

Forts, Prisons, or Rudimentary Vaults? The Three so-called "Fortresses" of Pharaoh at Wadi el-Hudi and their Connection to Amethyst Mining
Thursday, February 17, 1pm EST

Dr. Kate Liszka's lecture for the Archaeology Abridged Series for the Archaeological Institute of America

From Survey to History: The Region of Wadi el-Hudi through the Eras
Sunday, February 27, 2pm EST

A Members Only lecture by Dr. Kate Liszka's lecture for the
American Research Center in Egypt

Missed the previous talk?
Watch it on YouTube

Operation Amethyst: How Egyptian Kings and Queens got their Bling 4000 years ago. Given on January 20 for the Archaeological Insitute of America's Archaeology Abridged Series

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