Friday, November 19, 2021

ARCE Archives Launches Two New Collections

In partnership with UCLA Library and funding from the U.S Department of Education, ARCE is continuing its efforts to publish USAID funded conservation projects on our open access conservation archives website. The two new collections recently launched on are the following:
The Akhenaten Talatat Project Conservation boasts 921 records documenting the Amarna-style blocks and conservation efforts led by project director, Dr. Jocelyn Gohary, in the Pennsylvania Magazine in Luxor.
The Conservation and Documentation of the Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT69), a project led by Dr. Melinda Hartwig, spans 732 records documenting the high-quality painted walls of the Theban tomb in detail. As well as the conservation and documentation efforts carried out by an interdisciplinary team of experts. 
ARCE will be posting reels on our Instagram page exploring these two new projects, make sure you check them out. 
Explore the Conservation ARchives Website

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