Wednesday, October 6, 2021

ARCE September 2021 Newsletter


Register now to ARCE's Upcoming Conference;

Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages 

ARCE together with, The American University in Cairo (AUC) and the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities (MoTA), are organizing a joint conference titled "Exalted Spirits: The Veneration of the Dead in Egypt through the Ages." This three-day conference will cover the veneration of deceased figures in Egypt from the Pharaonic period up to current times, using the diverse evidence available in terms of texts, images, and lived traditions. The conference will feature academic papers as well as panel discussions focusing on current practices related to the veneration of the dead and their origins, which may be traced back to ancient Egypt, and is aimed at both academic and non-academic participants. Additionally, ARCE is collaborating with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, to organize a concurrent exhibition at the Egyptian Museum in Cairo.

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Apply Now to ARCE's Annual Meeting Grant for Underrepresented Students

The ARCE Grant will be awarded to a maximum of five (5) eligible applicants who are undergraduate or graduate students and whose studies are related to (or who have an interest in studying) Nile Valley cultures through the disciplines of Egyptology, Nubiology, Africology, Art History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Classical, Coptic, Islamic, Middle East, and African Studies, or other related fields.  Awardees will be paired with Ph.D. students or early career scholars who will act as mentors during the Annual Meeting.The ARCE Grant will pay for all fees related to (i) Annual Meeting registration; (ii) lodging costs and breakfast at the host hotel for each night of the Annual Meeting; and (iii) transportation costs (maximum $500) incurred in attending the Annual Meeting.  Before the Annual Meeting, Awardees must consult with the US ARCE Office to arrange registration, lodging, and transportation. Awardees must inform ARCE as soon as possible whether they choose to have transportation costs paid directly by ARCE (with Awardee paying any amount in excess of $500) or reimbursed by ARCE upon Awardee's timely presentation of receipts after the Annual Meeting. Application deadline is January 16th, 2022.

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ARCE's podcast releases the fourth episode from the "Kingship in Ancient Egypt" series

Female Pharaohs is the theme of ARCE's fourth episode in the "Kingship in Ancient Egypt" podcast series. Dr. Mariam Ayad and Dr. Jacquelyn Williamson discuss the status of women in ancient Egypt relative to their counterparts in other contemporary cultures and the level of objectivity of our views of ancient Egyptian culture and society. They answer the questions of why Egyptian female rulers are referred to as "kings", how did female pharaohs legitimize their rule, and did the ancient Egyptians really reject the idea of female rulers or are we imposing our modern views on an ancient culture? Ayad and Williamson also ponder Hatshepsut's ascent to the throne, her relationship with Thutmose III and his attempt to eradicate her memory after her death. 

Listen Now



ARCE's Member-Exclusive Lecture: Nefertiti's Sun Temple A Return to Kom El-Nana

Presented by Dr. Jacquelyn Williamson, this month's member-only lecture will take place on the 23rd of October at 2:00 PM ET/ 8:00 PM EET. This talk will review the political and religious context of Nefertiti and her queenship in light of her Sun Temple (a Sunshade of Re temple) at the site of Kom el Nana in Tell el-Amarna. In addition to queenship before and during the Amarna period, this talk will also review the evidence that Nefertiti's Sun Temple played a key role in the afterlives of Amarna's courtiers. Dr. Jacquelyn Williamson is an Egyptologist, with a special focus on gender and religious power. Her book, Nefertiti's Sun Temple: A New Cult Complex at Tell el-Amarna, part of Brill's Harvard Egyptology Series, was published in September 2016. She is involved in the ongoing investigation of Kom el-Nana at Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, the site of a sun temple associated with Queen Nefertiti, which is the subject of her first book.

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U.S Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen visits the ancient city of Abydos, old Coptic Monasteries in Sohag and Luxor Temple

On the 28th and 29th of August, U.S. Ambassador, Jonathan R. Cohen along with ARCE's Executive Director, Dr. Louise Bertini and Director of Cultural Heritage Projects, Dr. Nicholas Warner toured different sites in Upper Egypt including Sohag's Red Monastery, White Monastery, and Luxor Temple. Through funding from USAID and in partnership with the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, ARCE successfully completed conservation work to preserve these sites from further damage. While touring U.S. Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen noted, "It's great to see Egyptians and Americans working hand-in-hand to preserve the Luxor Temple. U.S. institutions like the American Research Center in Egypt and Chicago House bolster our strong ties with the people and government of Egypt."

U.S Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen at Medinat Habu, Luxor


ARCE's Conservation Archives Website Publishes Two Collections

In partnership with UCLA Library and with funding from the U.S Department of Education, ARCE is publishing USAID funded projects on its conservation archives website as an ongoing effort to share 7,000 years of Egyptian culural heritage. The first newly published collection is the Akhenaten Talatat Project Conservation which boasts 921 records documenting the Amarna-style blocks and conservation efforts led by project director, Dr. Jocelyn Gohary, in the Pennsylvania Magazine in Luxor. The other released collection is the Conservation and Documentation of the Tomb Chapel of Menna (TT69), a project led by Dr. Melinda Hartwig, which spans 732 records documenting the high-quality painted walls of the Theban tomb in detail as well as the conservation and documentation efforts carried out by an interdisciplinary team of experts.

Preview Collections

328 Registered to ARCE's Cultural Property Protection Conference 

ARCE in partnership with the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC) and the US Department of State initiated a series of regional workshops that is aimed to bring together Ministry representatives and other officials from the region to discuss case studies, best practices, and expand their professional networks in the area of cultural property protection. The first part of the conference was a virtual series and took place between August 10-12, 2021. It brought together government officials, experts, and organizations from Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Yemen, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, and Morocco that are involved in cultural heritage and property preservation. The conference included 39 speakers and a total of 328 registered individuals.
The conference will resume with two in person workshops – the first of which will take place in Cairo, Egypt in early 2022, followed by a final conference in late 2022 that will take place in Petra, Jordan.

ARCE's 2021 Member Tour: In the Footsteps of the Holy Family is Canceled 

ARCE leads an exclusive annual tour to Egypt for its members, typically between March and November every year. A pre-set itinerary is curated featuring the best of Egypt's historic sites, previous ARCE projects, and direct access to 'movers and shakers' in the fields of Egyptology, Archaeology and Egyptian cultural heritage. The trip is traditionally led by Executive Director, Dr. Louise Bertini, and Deputy Director for Research and Programs, Dr. Yasmin El Shazly. ARCE's member tour for November 2021 is canceled but two other trips are scheduled to take place during 2022. The Grand Tour of Egypt will take place from the 3rd to the 20th of March,2022 and the King Tutankhamun Centennial Anniversary Tour will take place from the 25th of October to the 11th of November,2022.

CHeck Itineraries

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