Monday, May 3, 2021

American Research Center in Egypt May 2021 Virtual Events

ARCE Don't Forget to Register!



May 2021 virtual Events

*Members Only*

May 9, 2021


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Sacred Baboons as engines of Egyptian trade and seafaring 

with Dr. Nathaniel Dominy 

This talk will focus on the bones and teeth of mummified baboons recovered from New Kingdom temples and Ptolemaic tombs. The isotope composition of these tissues is a valuable source of information about the life and lifeways of an animal. In some cases, our evidence points to captive breeding and a lifetime spent in Egypt. In other cases, we find evidence of importation from distant lands. So far, this evidence corroborates consensus on the location of Punt, putting it in the modern-day countries of Eritrea and northern Somalia.


*Public Access*

May 20, 2021 Hosted by ARCE 

Starts at 7 AM GMT

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Egypt and the Mediterranean World from the Late Fourth through the Third Millennium BCE Conference

ARCE is sponsoring this conference and is Hosting Day 2

*This is NOT an ARCE National Lecture

This conference will bring together the latest research on the interaction between Egypt and the Levantine and Aegean worlds in the late fourth – third millennium BCE. The event will be held on four days in May. Each  conference day will consist of two sessions of four 20min papers followed by a discussionRegistration is free for all presenters and attendees. All attendees and presenters must register to be accepted into the event and must register for each date separately.

To view each day of the conference, click HERE.


*Public Access*

May 29, 2021


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Egyptian History and its Many Cuisines: An Exploration of Egyptian Food History 

with Dr. Mennat-Allah El Dorry

This lecture also includes a drink recipe to be made prior to the lecture and enjoyed during the Q&A. 

Click HERE for the recipe. 

This talk will explore the cuisines of each phase of Egyptian history, identifying some of the highlights or developments of each time period, starting with ancient Egypt and through to the 20th century. It will also investigate the transformations, and how these may or may not have had an impact on the face of today's Egyptian food.

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