Thursday, May 27, 2021

ARCE June 2021 Virtual Lectures

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June 2021 virtual Lectures

*Members Only*

June 6, 2021


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Bes-like figures in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead 

with Dr. Rita Lucarelli  

Bes was a popular god in ancient Egypt and he still is today. Less known are instead some apotropaic Bes-like figures occurring in the vignettes of spells belonging to the corpus of the Book of the Dead, especially on papyrus, and which play the function of demonic guardians of the netherworld. In this lecture, these figures will be analyzed and discussed in order to understand their agency within the heterogeneous divine and demonic population of the Realm of the Dead. 


*Public Access*

June 26, 2021


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Egyptology's Interdisciplinary Future

with Dr. Aaron M. de Souza & Dr.Amber G.E. Hood 

Seismic social shifts of recent years have led to a dramatic push for change in the field of Egyptology to make the discipline more open, inclusive, scientifically relevant, and academically sustainable. Hosted by the University of Vienna, the new journal Interdisciplinary Egyptology, or IntEg, challenges the discipline by encouraging meaningful interdisciplinary research, and championing research that would otherwise be considered "off-piste" in traditional Egyptology. IntEg also disrupts traditional dissemination models by offering a fully online, fully Open Access, free to publish, peer-reviewed alternative that looks forward to a more collaborative and inclusive future for Egyptology. 

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