Friday, February 19, 2021

Register for March Virtual Lectures at ARCE

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Upcoming March Virtual Lectures

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Members Only* 
Title: Changing Old Paradigms: New Evidences from the Pyramid Complex of Sahura at Abusir
Date and Time:  March 7th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 8:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speaker: Mohamed Ismail Khaled; Science Researcher at Würzburg University 
In 1907 the German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt carried out the principle exploration of Sahura's pyramid complex. Though he paid great attention to the architecture of the complex. He left most of the causeway unexplored. In 1994 the Egyptian mission began the excavation around the causeway, leading towards a discovery that proved Borchardt never fully excavated the causeway. In 2002, the mission unearthed more than 18 huge blocks from both sides of the causeway. In 2017,  the mission removed the debris from Borchardt's excavation at the uppermost end of the northern side of the causeway, revealing the first settlement to be discovered around the pyramid complex of Sahura dated to the first millennium. The excavation continued in 2019 revealing new 4 blocks with polychrome reliefs. With the generous financial support of the Archaeological Endowment Fund (AEF) the work began inside the pyramid of Sahure. The work concentrated on cleaning the interior rooms and consolidating and restoring the pyramid substructure in order to prevent further collapse. New evidence came to light that changed completely our understanding of the interior design of the pyramid and opened a new era of the history of the pyramid's exploration. 
*Registration will close 48 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

Public Access Series*
Africa Interconnected: Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Title: "Backwater Puritans"? Racism, Egyptological stereotypes, and the intersection of local and international at Kushite Tombos 
Date and Time: March 20th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 7:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speakers: Stuart Tyson Smith; Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Institute for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Research at the University of California, Santa Barbara
Egyptological and more popular perceptions of Nubia and the Kushite Dynasty (c. 747- 654 BCE) have framed Kush as a periphery to civilized Egypt. Depictions of Nubians from earlier periods of Egyptian history, like Tutankhamen's painted box, reinforced these ideas of Nubian inferiority compared to Egypt and the Near East. But to what extent was Nubia a "backwater" to "effete and sophisticated" Egypt as John Wilson once asserted? For the Persians, depictions of Nubians and other foreigners presenting gifts at Persepolis represent the diversity of the empire paying homage to the Persian king as an all-lord whose rule encompasses numerous peoples. Archaeological evidence supports the more cosmopolitan Persian view of Kush against older racist Egyptological stereotypes of "barbaric" Nubians. It is clear from recent archaeological work at Tombos and elsewhere that Nubia was not an unsophisticated backwater. Objects with Egyptianizing motifs in the international style asserted a cosmopolitan social status that connected their owners to an international elite culture that spanned Nubia, Egypt, and extended across the Mediterranean during the Iron Age. Yet consumption of this material culture was mediated by cultural preference, and balanced by objects like pyramids and black topped pottery that reflected ties to an Egyptian colonial and deeper Nubian past. The Kushite civilization that flourished for a thousand years was not an imperfect imitation of ancient Egypt, as some Egyptologists have asserted. Instead, features taken from Egypt and the Mediterranean world were adapted and thoroughly integrated with local practices and belief systems. 
*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

Public Access*
Title: Zikra: Remembering 'Abd al-Halim Hafiz', Lecture and Live Performance 
Date and Time: March 27th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 7:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speaker: Nicholas Mangialardi, Ahmed Harfoush, and the Harfoush Jazz Band

By the end of his career, 'Abd al-Halim Hafiz was the most popular singer in Egypt. Radio stations received unprecedented numbers of requests of his songs, and he earned more money for his concerts than any other performer of the day. His cassette sales were similarly unmatched. As a pop celebrity, he shaped the everyday lives of Egyptians, from the way they dressed and styled their hair to where they spent their wedding night.  Despite his superstar status, many said that Halim "seemed familiar, like a relative or friend, one of your family members." Among his contemporaries, no other singer developed such an intimate relationship with the Egyptian people, which made the news of his premature passing more shocking. As his funeral possession wound its way through the streets of Cairo in the spring of 1977, an estimated one million mourners came out to bid farewell to their "beloved son of Egypt." 

The event will feature a presentation by Dr. Nicholas Mangialardi on the singer's musical legacy followed by a live performance of 'Abd al-Halim hits by Egyptian jazz vocalist Ahmed Harfoush and his band.

*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

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