Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Fwd: PMF - news of George Hart

PMF - news of George Hart

Such sad and shocking news to report –George Hart died on Monday, 15th February. George's deterioration was quick, and it's a blessing that he did not have too long to suffer between his cancer diagnosis at the beginning of this month and his release from it all yesterday. He spent 11 days in hospital where he died. Very sadly during this time he was only allowed visits from one person due to Covid restrictions, but it sounds as though he was well cared for. He will be remembered so fondly by so many people.
In 1988, with Harry Smith, Barbara Adams and Ashley Jones, George was one of the founders of the Friends of the Petrie Museum and served as our Chairman from 1988 until 2000. He also served for many years as a Trustee for the EES. He was a master of communication and public engagement. He spent many years working in the Education Department at the British Museum and was one of the most popular and well-known lecturers for the Department of Egypt and Sudan.
His numerous publications demonstrate that confident, outgoing ability to share information in an accessible way, just a few examples -  A Dictionary of Egyptian Gods and Goddesses; Egyptian Myths; The British Museum Pocket Dictionary; Ancient Egypt; Pharaohs and Pyramids; Warfare; The Pharaohs, and so it continues.
'He was the life and soul of the party' was a phrase invented to describe George, so I'm glad that one of my favourite photographs of him, taken by Carolyn Perry, shows George, Lucia and I at the book-launch hosted by the
Friends of the Petrie Museum for George's Folio Society book on 'The Pharaohs'. It sums him up – friends, books, Egyptology and a nice glass of wine.
Our President, Professor Harry Smith, will be writing a more formal appreciation of George's life.

The next two photographs were taken by Ivor Pridden at the party to celebrate Harry's 90th birthday in 2018, and at the study day the next day with all the speakers.
Rest in peace, George. I hope they serve a good white wine up there. We'll be raising a glass in your memory.



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