Monday, January 18, 2021

Fwd: Register for February Virtual Lectures at ARCE

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Upcoming February Virtual Lectures

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Public Access* 
In Honor of Norma Kershaw 
Title: Egyptian Rule and Canaanite Resistance as Seen from Jaffa 
Date and Time:  February 4th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 8:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speaker: Aaron A. Burke; Department of Near Eastern Languages and Cultures, UCLA 
The excavations of the Egyptian New Kingdom fortress in Jaffa, on the southern side of Tel Aviv were undertaken from 1956 to 2014. It was the only Egyptian fortress excavated in Canaan. Its archaeological record, particularly the evidence from several dramatic destructions, provides a unique perspective on Egyptian rule and local resistance to it from ca. 1460 to 1125 B.C. The archaeological evidence, taken together with textual sources, yields a picture of Canaanite resistance to the Egyptian military presence in Jaffa. This originated in centers located throughout the coastal plain and persisted for several centuries. This talk is drawn from excavations directed by the author and undertaken by the Jaffa Cultural Heritage Project between 2011 and 2014. Dr. Aaron Burke is the Kershaw Chair of Ancient Eastern Mediterranean Studies at UCLA.
*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

Members Only* 
Title: Rosetta Project: Change in Action at the Amasili House 
Date and Time: February 6th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 8:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speakers: Mohamed Kenawi and Cristina Mondin
The Amasili Complex comprises the Amasili House, Hasiba Gazal House, and a granary. The houses were built sometime during the 18th century and contain some unique architectural features. The Amasili House is the largest of all Ottoman Houses still standing in Rosetta. Rosetta flourished during the medieval period becoming Egypt's most significant transit city. Commercial activities relocated to the city as it became the main access to the Mediterranean. During that time its collection of Mameluke and Ottoman mansions and citrus groves attracted many European and Arab travelers. But as Alexandria prospered, Rosetta was left behind and almost forgotten. Today the city's fame is mostly associated with the inscribed stone that allowed the deciphering of Egyptian hieroglyphs (aka the Rosetta Stone). Rosetta is attracting an increasing number of visitors interested in its archaeological, cultural heritage, and atmospheric medieval souk.
*Registration will close 48 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

Public Access Series*
Africa Interconnected: Ancient Egypt and Nubia
Title: Hands Unto Ethiopia: The First African Americans to Visit Nubia 
Date and Time: February 20th at 1:00 PM Eastern Time/ 8:00 PM Eastern European Time
Speaker: Jeremy Pope; Associate Professor in the Department of History at the College of William & Mary
Dr. Pope's lecture will seek to fill this historiographical void by reconstructing the history of the first African American visitors to Nubia. The sources will include their private correspondence, interviews with their descendants, and an unpublished essay on the African past that was penned by one of the travelers following his return to the United States. Since at least the middle of the 18th century, people of African descent in the Americas have invoked ancient Nubia. The "Ethiopia" and "Cush" of the Bible- as exemplar of African history and a signifier of a global racial identity. The prophecy in Psalm 68:31 that states, "Ethiopia shall soon stretch forth her hands unto God" became the shared slogan of political, religious, and literary movements on both sides of the Atlantic that are known collectively to historians as Ethiopianism. By 1902, Pauline Hopkin's serial novel, Of One Blood, would cast a fictional African American traveler to Nubia as the Harbinger of Pan-African liberation and mutual uplift of Africans and African Americans. Yet, no published study has ever analyzed- nor even documented- the experiences of the first African Americans who actually traveled to Nubia. This silence is all the more remarkable, this analysis has been performed for the first Europeans, white Americans, and Canadian Iroquois visitors to Nubia. The narrative of the first African Americans to travel to Nubia instead demonstrates how these disciplines and movements have intersected with histories of global politics, international commerce, and intellectual inquiry beyond the circle of professional scholars. 
*Registration will close 24 hours in advance of the lecture time. 

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