Saturday, December 5, 2020

AIA-Stanford Society - Book Club Launch

The first book selection, to be discussed via Zoom on January 15, is Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt.
You need not be a Stanford Society or AIA member to sign up for this book club. Information follows.


Bring a Friend!

We would love to grow our society, so please consider bringing a friend...or any of our events.  Lectures and tours are free and it's a great way to introduce your friends to the wonders of archaeology!

Join AIA!

Membership in AIA helps support the great lecturers and programs provided by the Stanford society. Though membership is not required for attendance, your membership in AIA will guarantee that we will continue to be able to provide exceptional lectures and events. 

When you join AIA as a Society Member, you'll receive exclusive benefits and discounts.

  • To join or renew, log onto: 
  • Select your desired membership category.
  • Be sure to designate Stanford University as your desired AIA Society affiliation from the "Group" pull-down menu on the application form. 
  • Please allow up to four weeks to process payments.

Donate Directly!


Donations are the lifeblood of our organization. Your generosity can help make possible an educational presentation for a students, a talk for seniors, or a lecture benefitting all of Stanford.


Email to inquire about donation options and benefits.




AIA Annual Conference

January 5-10


Have you ever wondered what it is like to go to the AIA conference, but weren't able to attend?  Now is your year!

Over a 5 day period, you will get to choose between different sessions on a wide range of archaeological topics. There really is something for everyone!


Registration is open, so join us for an exciting view into the current findings out in the world...


Click here to review the program....


Click here for Registration.... 


Dear Glenn,

We hope everyone enjoyed last night's lecture with Patrick Hunt.  

We are so excited to launch the first AIA Book Club!  There are so many books about archaeology to share and we look forward to having wonderful conversations about a wide variety of topics. 

The book club is open to all. You do NOT need to be a member of AIA to participate, in fact, we hope you invite friends!

We hope you will be able to join us as we delve into the past...and bring some friends!
Our First Book Selection

Mirage: Napoleon's Scientists and the Unveiling of Egypt
by Nina Burleigh
Discussion: January 15, 2021
Time: 7:00pm
Where: Zoom

Click here to download a .pdf with important links and purchase information.

Only those registered will receive future emails about this selection.

If you have questions, concerns, problems, ideas...or just want to chat, feel free to reach out:

The next book selection will be the 2021 Holton winner, announced at this year's conference.

Future Lectures & Dates

January 5-10: AIA Annual Conference - Virtual

January 22: "The Villa dei Papyri: The Patrician, the King, the Engineer and the Oil Tycoon," Michael Boyd

February:  TBD

March 19: "The Roman Forum: A History," Laura Linkletter Rich

April 16: Aaron Burke, UCLA, topic TBA

May TBD: Eric & Diane Cline 
Annual Antony and Isabelle Raubitschek Memorial Lecture

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