Thursday, October 1, 2020

Fwd: Monthly Updates from ARCE


On September 17, U.S Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Egypt Mission Director Leslie Reed visited Luxor's cultural heritage preservation sites accompanied by ARCE's Executive Director, Dr. Louise Bertini, Deputy Governor Mohamed Abdel Kader and U.S. Embassy Defense Attaché Major General Ralph H. Groover. The tour included USAID-funded projects at Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, Dra Abu El Naga, and Theban Tomb 110.U.S.

U.S Ambassador Jonathan R. Cohen's visit to Luxor. Photo: U.S. Embassy in Cairo (Maged Helal) 


This month, ARCE launched a virtual tour for The seated statue of King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II. In 1900, Howard Carter while on horseback stumbled upon Bab el-Hosan, a subterranean chamber found in the center of the deified King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II's mortuary complex forecourt. During this encounter, he discovered the seated statue of Mentuhotep II.

The seated statue of King Nebhepetre Mentuhotep II

A fine example of a 21st Dynasty yellow coffin is the inner coffin of Tanakhtnettahat (Tahat for short). Tanakhtnettahat was a chantress in the temple of the god Amun at Karnak; a high rank in ancient Egypt. The coffin is currently housed in the Michael C. Carlos Museum at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. It was previously displayed at the Niagra Falls Museum in Ontario and was among a number of coffins and mummies brought to Canada in the mid-19th century. The collection remained at Niagra falls for 150 years before it was moved permanently to its current location. 

The Coffin of Tanakhtnettahat


ARCE is pleased to open applications for its Fellowship Program 2021-2022 from October 1 to January 18. ARCE provides fellows with funding, administrative support and easy access to Egypt's museums, monuments, archaeological sites, collections, libraries and archives.

For more information on the program and the guidelines for applying, click here.


ARCE's fourth podcast will launch on our website on October 2, featuring Dr. Maggie Bryson that will be speaking about the aftermath of King Tutankhamun's Reign.

If you have any suggestions for future topics that you would like to see addressed in ARCE's podcast series, please email us at


Dr. Nicholas Warner is an architect and architectural historian trained at Cambridge University, UK, and the Graduate School of Design, Harvard University. He has lived and worked in Egypt since 1993, where he has participated in and directed numerous projects related to the documentation, preservation, and presentation of heritage sites from all periods. Amongst these are: the Quseir Fort Visitors' Center; the Saqqara New Kingdom Necropolis Project; the tombs of Anen (TT120) and Menna (TT69) in Luxor; the North Kharga Oasis Survey; New York University's excavations at Amheida, Dakhla Oasis; the Red and White Monasteries in Sohag. His work in Cairo includes the Cairo Mapping Project (a new map of Historic Cairo showing the plans of approximately 550 buildings in the mediaeval city); open air museums in the South Roman Tower of the fortress of Babylon and Matariyya; and the restoration of the Gayer-Anderson Museum. Outside Egypt, Nicholas has also worked as a consultant for a variety of heritage projects in Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Ethiopia.

Welcome to the team, Nicholas!


Time: October 18, 2020 at 3:00 PM ET/ 9:00 PM EET

Lecture Topic: Maurice Nahman: Antiquities Collector, Dealer and Authority

The late 19th-early 20th century saw a proliferation of collectors and museums acquiring objects from the Middle East. What was being collected by these individuals and institutions was largely shaped by the connoisseurship of a well-connected network of dealers in possession of vast assemblages of antiquities. One such figure was Maurice Nahman (1868–1948). The objective of this lecture is to reconstruct his biography and professional trajectory through the lens of his relations with art historians, curators, collectors and buyers, with a focus on post-pharaonic material.

For more information and to register, click here.


Time: October 25, 2020 at 3:00 PM ET/ 9:00 PM EET

Lecture Topic: Putting them back together again: The story of the old kingdom Prisoner Statues in the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the British Museum

During the late Old Kingdom, pharaohs had nearly life-size statues of kneeling, bound foreign captives erected within their pyramid complexes.  Today two unprovenanced examples of these unique statues, which are known as prisoner statues, are in the Metropolitan Museum of Art while a third one is in the British Museum. All three arrived at these museums fully reconstructed and restored.  This lecture will discuss both the ancient and recent history of these statues.

For more information and to register, click here.


Time: October 31, 2020 at 1:00 PM ET/ 7:00 PM EET

Lecture Topic: The Curse of the Black Eggplant: Reconstructing occult economies in late Ottoman Egypt

Occult objects and services were a central part of the economic marketplace in late Ottoman Egypt. Sudanese magicians read palms and told fortunes in open markets. Charms, talismans, and ingredients for magical recipes were available for purchase at the local 'attar. Anxious women bribed the gatekeepers of Khedival gardens handsomely to access the black eggplant—a natural amulet that cured (or inflicted) infertility in any who traversed its fertile patches. Yet, these are not the actors we generally cast in histories of capitalism and political economy in the Middle East.  In this talk, Moore uses the "amulet tale" of the black eggplant as a frame to reveal the occult economies that were a robust—if not integral—part of Egypt's economic market in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. 

For more information and to register, click here.


Contact Info:

American Research Center in Egypt
909 N Washington Street
STE 320
Alexandria, VA 22314
United States



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