Thursday, September 24, 2020

UAB: ‘Space archaeologist’ Sarah Parcak calling Trump supporters ‘bootlickers’ was 'poor judgment’ -

UAB: 'Space archaeologist' Sarah Parcak calling Trump supporters 'bootlickers' was 'poor judgment'


'Real-world Indiana Jones' Sarah Parcak unveils a wish to enlist people around the world to help save antiquities, February 16, 2016 during the TED Conference in Vancouver, Canada. Sarah Parcak set out to enlist the people around the globe in an urgent battle against looting of antiquities. The technology-wielding archaeologist billed as a real-world "Indiana Jones" unveiled a 'wish' granted to her as part of a coveted 2016 TED Prize. Parcak wants people around the world to become explorers, detecting antiquities looting faster than currently possible and pointing archeologists to promising spots on the planet. / AFP / GLENN CHAPMAN (Photo credit should read GLENN CHAPMAN/AFP via Getty Images)AFP via Getty Images


A UAB archaeology professor who tweeted that late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was stronger "than any M*GA f*ckstick bootlicker could ever dream of" -- a reference to President Trump's supporters -- had her comments condemned by the university, saying she showed "poor judgment."

Sarah Parcak, an Egyptian archaeology expert at UAB and a professor at the university's Department of Anthropology who has a large following on Twitter and has appeared on national television, posted the tweets shortly after Ginsburg's death Friday at age 87. Ginsburg was a leading voice of the Supreme Court's liberal wing.

About an hour after her initial tweet on Ginsburg's death, Parcak, who used space satellites to discover the street plan of an ancient Egyptian city, wrote that the late justice "was stronger in her mid 80′s than any M*GA f*ckstick bootlicker could ever dream of. Take that energy with you [Friday night] and always into the voting booth, the polls, and online to donate."

On Tuesday, UAB said Parcak's tweets "reflect poor judgment and do not represent the opinions of our university. Our 45,000+ students, faculty, and staff often use social media to express thoughts that do not necessarily reflect the voice of the university."

The university would not say whether Parcak was disciplined for the tweets.

"If a public comment by a member of the campus community needs to be addressed by Student Affairs or Human Resources, it would be. However, personnel and student conduct matters are addressed privately between the individual and the institution," a UAB spokeswoman said.

Parcak has nearly 70,000 Twitter followers and has tweeted about her support for liberal and progressive causes before.

See also: Sarah Parcak on archaeology from space, history in the South

When protesters tried to take down Birmingham's Confederate monument in Linn Park during demonstrations following the death of George Floyd, Parcak lent her expertise to suggest how the protesters could topple the statue, giving advice in a tweetstorm:

Those tweets, like the Ginsburg ones, remained on the professor's account as of Tuesday evening.

Efforts to reach Parcak for comment Tuesday evening were not immediately successful.

--   Sent from my Linux system.

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